Fixed: ‘Downloads Folder Not Responding’ issue in Windows 11/10

If you are still facing the similar issue then you may Fix ‘Downloads Folder Not Responding’ issue in Windows. The Downloads folder is where any files that are downloaded after you start the download process. It has been brought to the attention of multiple users that the download folder in Windows 11 is not responding. This is usually an indication that there are some issues with the File Explorer program. You need to find a solution to this problem as quickly as possible because you risk losing access to all of your files and folders.

It’s possible that some users are confused about the “where is my downloads folder” question. The default location for this folder is in “This PC,” and you can navigate to it directly from the main window. If you discover that you are unable to open the Downloads folder, the following are some of the potential causes: If you are not satisfied with the solutions that have been provided above, then you can go Visit website and search for the solutions there.

Continue reading to find out how you can fix an unresponsive Downloads folder that either won’t open at all or takes a while to open. In addition, the accumulation of too much content can cause abnormal processing, which in turn can result in an error regarding the Downloads folder not responding. In this scenario, File Explorer becomes increasingly sluggish until it becomes unresponsive.

Why is the Downloads folder not responding?

The main problem with Downloads could be that it has too much content and the system has trouble sorting through it. So, if File Explorer is working fine but the Downloads folder opens slowly or doesn’t respond, take the time to delete the larger files when it does open.

Fix 'Downloads Folder Not Responding' issue in Windows

If File Explorer is slow or not working at all, you can also read our article on how to fix File Explorer problems in Windows 10/11 to find more solutions. But there are many things that can cause this problem, from corrupt files to problems with the Registry keys and other things in between. So, keep reading to find out how to fix a Downloads folder that won’t open or takes a long time to open.

Solved: ‘Downloads Folder Not Responding’ issue in Windows 11/10

Run a SFC scan

  1. Type and search cmd in the search bar and select Run as administrator.
  2. Type sfc/scannow in Command Prompt window and press Enter to launch this command. Wait until the process completes.
  3. Restart your PC and check if you can access to the files in Downloads folder.

Optimize Downloads folder

  1. Right-click the Downloads folder.
  2. Now click on Properties.
  3. Go to the Customize tab.
  4. Click on the drop-down that says Optimize this folder for. And select General items from the drop-down. It must have been set to Pictures or Video by default.
  5. You can also select Also apply this template to all subfolders if the folder contains any subfolders.
  6. Apply the settings and restart Windows Explorer.

Change File Explorer settings to Fix ‘Downloads Folder Not Responding’ issue in Windows

  1. Press Windows+E to start File Explorer.
  2. Click File option in the top-left corner and select Options.
  3. In Folder Options window, choose View tab and check in the box of Always show icons, never thumbnails. Then click Apply and OK.

Tweak the properties of Downloads folder

  1. Press Windows+E to open File Explorer, right-click on the Downloads directory and select Properties.
  2. Choose Customize tab and select General items from the drop-down menu.
  3.  Mark the checkbox in front of Also apply this template to all subfolders and click Apply. Then click OK to close the window.


Why are my Downloads failing Windows 11?

The “Windows 11 cumulative update failed to download and install” problem can result from insufficient disk space on their devices (e.g. Windows 11 update error 0xC1900101), corrupted systems files, unstable internet connection, or network issues.

Why does my download keep failing?

You need a stable internet connection for downloading files. So, you should first ensure that your internet connection is active and stable. To get started, test your Wi-Fi speed with a reliable speed test tool. If your internet speed is okay, then consider resetting your router and refreshing your connection.

What causes corrupted downloads?

File corruption usually happens when there is an issue during the ‘save’ process. If your computer crashes the file being saved will likely be corrupted. Another cause might be damaged sections of your hard drive or storage media that might have viruses and malware.

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