How to Enable XMP to Improve RAM Speed

Improve PC performance without hassle! Learn how to enable XMP for faster RAM.

When it comes to gaming performance, there is a lot of disagreement about how important faster RAM is. Fans often look closely to see if the speed boost makes a difference above a certain point. In this tutorial we showed how to Enable XMP to Improve RAM Speed.

One thing that can’t be argued with, though, is that switching from standard 2,666MHz memory to higher frequencies like 3,200MHz or more can really make things better. Still, you need to do more than just plug in the new RAM sticks to get this better performance. Here comes XMP (Extreme Memory Profile), a key feature that needs to be turned on by hand in order for high-speed RAM modules to work at their best.

Without turning on XMP, these faster RAM sticks work with the default settings, which means they don’t deliver the performance promised right out of the box. So, for gamers who want to get the most power out of their systems, turning on XMP is a must for improving RAM speed and the overall gaming experience.

How to Enable XMP to Improve RAM Speed

  1. Enable XMP in your motherboard’s BIOS. Restart your PC and wait for the splash screen, usually your motherboard manufacturer’s logo. The bottom should have instructions to enter the BIOS by pressing the delete, escape, or function keys.
  2. Find XMP in the BIOS. Easy Mode in some motherboard BIOS highlights the most used settings. Thus, Advanced Mode may be needed to access XMP settings.
  3. Our Gigabyte Z590i Vision motherboard BIOS displays XMP on the main screen. XMP can be enabled quickly here or in BIOS Advanced Mode for more settings. Gigabyte and ASUS motherboards have XMP settings under Tweaker or Extreme Tweaker.
  4. Select XMP to enable Profile 1 (which we need) or disable XMP. Memory kits with multiple profiles offer more flexibility.
  5. Save and exit BIOS from the main BIOS screen after selecting the profile you want, preferably with the highest speeds. XMP should be enabled and memory at maximum speed. Return to Task Manager to verify the memory clock speeds.

What is XMP and How Does it Work?

This is what it is:

  • As its name suggests, XMP is a set of pre-configured settings for your RAM that let it run faster than the specifications set by the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council.
  • They are kept on a small chip on your RAM modules known as the Serial Presence Detect (SPD).
How to Enable XMP to Improve RAM Speed
  • They usually have numbers for memory frequency, voltage, and timings, all of which are very important for RAM to work well.

How it does its job:

  • Turning on XMP: You need to turn on XMP in the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) of your computer. Usually, this is a simple process that just involves going to the BIOS settings and choosing the XMP profile you want to use.
  • Reading the profile: The BIOS reads the chosen XMP profile from the RAM’s SPD chip once it is turned on.
  • When the settings are applied, the BIOS changes the RAM’s frequency, voltage, and timings automatically to match the profile’s requirements.

Benefits of Enabling XMP for RAM Speed

Speed and responsiveness have been improved:

  • Faster RAM transfer rates: XMP lets your RAM run at its advertised speed, which can make your system much more responsive and cut down on the time it takes for apps to load. This is especially clear when doing things that need a lot of memory, like gaming, editing videos, and doing more than one thing at once.
  • Lessens bottlenecks: RAM that is faster can get rid of bottlenecks caused by slower memory, so your CPU and other parts can work at their best.

Overclocking Made Easier:

  • Safe and easy: XMP profiles have already been tested and approved by the RAM maker. This makes them safer and easier to use than manual overclocking, especially for people who are just starting out.
  • Multiple profile choices: Some RAM modules let you pick from a number of XMP profiles with different speeds and timings, so you can pick the one that works best for you and your system.

Boost to overall performance:

  • Better multitasking: RAM that is faster can handle more data at once, which makes switching between programmes run more smoothly and with less lag.
  • Gains in gaming performance: XMP can sometimes really make games run faster, especially games that use a lot of memory bandwidth and are bound by the CPU.

Best Practices for Maximizing RAM Speed with XMP

Before you start:

  • Make sure your motherboard, CPU, and RAM kit all support XMP/AMP and that the profiles in your RAM kit are listed. See your motherboard’s manual and the RAM’s specifications for more information.
  • It’s important to know the risks. If you don’t do it right, overclocking, even with XMP/AMP, can cause instability or damage hardware. Be careful, and do this at your own risk.

Setting up XMP/AMP:

  • To get to BIOS, restart your computer and press the key (usually Del, F2, or Esc) several times during boot to get into the BIOS setup utility. For specific steps, look at the manual that came with your motherboard.
  • Find the XMP/AMP settings by going through the BIOS menus. It’s usually under “Overclocking,” “AI Tweaker,” or “Performance” settings, but it depends on the brand. The Intel “XMP Profile” or the AMD “DOCP Profile” should be easy to find.


Does XMP increase RAM speed?

Should XMP be turned on? You should turn on XMP if both your motherboard and memory support it. If you let the memory run at its proper clock speeds, you can get the most out of its performance.

Does XMP reduce CPU lifespan?

In other words, using XMP profiles won’t make the system last less long. Using XMP profiles doesn’t depend on whether the CPU or GPU is overclocked or not. A lot of memory chips, like G. SKILL chips, that have higher clock rates or lower timing come with a heat sink.

Is it safe to enable XMP?

Yes, it is usually safe to turn on XMP. The company that made the RAM created and tested XMP profiles to make sure they were stable and compatible. But there is a catch: enabling XMP could make your computer unstable if its power supply is unstable or not strong enough.

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