How to Turn off Facebook’s Link History on iPhone and Android

Ditch the creepy whispers! Master how to turn off Facebook's Link History on your phone & browse in peace.

Without a question, Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites out there right now. It has changed a lot over the years, adding many new features, such as VoIP, stand-alone Facebook and Messenger apps, and more. Let’s say you found some great memes or helpful posts on Facebook. How does it make you feel to talk about how to Turn off Facebook’s Link History on iPhone and Android.

What happens if you lose that post in the haystack and can’t find it no matter how hard you swipe? Facebook knows how you feel, which is why they’ve added a new tool called “Link History.” It keeps track of all the Facebook links you’ve clicked on in the last 30 days, even if they aren’t clear. Facebook added a new feature called “Link History” to Android and iOS devices earlier on Wednesday. This could be a big deal, but there is also a bad side to it.

Link History on Facebook will keep track of all the links you click on while you’re on Facebook. This includes links in posts and comments, and it works on both phones and computers. It will be saved for 30 days unless you delete it sooner.

This feature is optional, but it raises a lot of privacy issues because it aims to give users a more personalized ad experience. Some people are worried that Link History could be used to see what you do when you’re not on Facebook. It doesn’t matter if you made your Facebook account without giving your phone number or email address. But the business says that outsiders will not be able to see this information. Visit official website for more details.

  • Increased privacy: Turning off Link History prevents Facebook from tracking the links you click on within the Facebook app. This means less data collected about your online activity and browsing habits.
  • Reduced ad targeting: Facebook uses Link History data to personalize your ads based on your browsing behavior. Disabling it can significantly limit the effectiveness of Facebook advertising towards you.
  • Greater control over data: Disabling Link History gives you more control over what data Facebook collects about you and how it’s used.
How to Turn off Facebook's Link History on iPhone and Android
  • Peace of mind: If you’re uncomfortable with Facebook tracking your every click, disabling Link History can offer peace of mind and a sense of privacy.
  • Potential for personalised content: Facebook could offer relevant content like articles, videos, or groups based on your Link History. This would make your experience better overall.
  • More relevant ads: More focused ads might feel annoying, but turning off Link History can make ads that aren’t relevant to you less likely to interest you.

On Android

  1. Start up the Facebook app on your Android.
  2. To get to the menu, tap on the three lines in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to the bottom of the screen and tap “Settings & Privacy.”
  4. Press and hold “Settings.”
  5. Find any choices that have something to do with “Your Facebook Information,” “Activity Log,” or “Privacy.”
  6. Look through the different parts and go over the settings for link history and other similar features.

On iPhone

  1. Get the Facebook app on your iPhone and open it.
  2. To get to the menu, tap on the three lines in the bottom right spot.
  3. Go to the bottom of the screen and tap “Settings & Privacy.”
  4. Press and hold “Settings.”
  5. Find any choices that have something to do with “Your Facebook Information,” “Activity Log,” or “Privacy.”
  6. Look through the different parts and go over the settings for link history and other similar features.
  1. To get to your page, tap your picture in the bottom right corner.
  2. Please click on “Settings & privacy.”
  3. Click on “Link history.”
  4. Click on any link in this area to go to the page that goes with it. You can also tap the “X” to the right of a link and confirm that you want to get rid of it. Press “Clear all” to get rid of all the links on the page.

Additional Privacy Settings on Facebook

  • Who can see your future posts? You can choose to make your posts public, visible to friends only, or even customize the audience for each post.
  • Who can see your friends list? You can choose to keep your friends list private, visible to friends only, or even hide specific friends from your list.
  • Who can see your profile information? You can control what information appears on your profile, such as your birthday, hometown, and relationship status.
  • Who can tag you in photos and videos? You can choose to allow anyone to tag you, only friends, or even review tags before they appear on your profile.
  • Who can see the photos and videos you’re tagged in? You can control the visibility of photos and videos you’re tagged in, even if you weren’t the one who posted them.
  • Who can see your likes and comments? You can choose to make your likes and comments public, visible to friends only, or even hide them from specific people.


The Facebook app’s options and interface may have changed, so make sure these steps work with the most recent version of the app. If you can’t find the settings you need, you might need to look at Facebook’s official help pages or get in touch with their support team for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


What is FB link history?

Link History is a new tool on Facebook that keeps track of the links users click on in the app for up to 30 days. Using the data to show personalized ads is part of its plan to make the ad experience more personal.

How do you know if someone turned off their activity on Facebook?

It means that the person has turned off their Active Status feature in their settings if you don’t see next to their name. If you mark your page as “Active,” it will show that you are online or that you were online not long ago. Figure out how to stop being active.

What is the purpose of off Facebook activity?

You can see a list of the websites and apps that send us data on what you do when you’re not on Facebook. You can also delete this information from your account if you want to.

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