Compare Alternate Routes on Maps Apps for Best Directions on iPhone

Find the best directions on your iPhone by comparing alternate routes on Maps apps with these easy-to-follow steps.

This guide is about the Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps.

If you run into a road with an iPhone, you’ll probably trust either Apple Maps or Google Maps to get to your destination. But before you decide on an uncertain route, be sure to check the default routes and compare alternative routes in both map apps to find the best route. Don’t be surprised if both apps initially give you very different suggestions. If you haven’t already done so, grab the Google Maps for iPhone app before you take off, it’s better that the app is already on your iPhone before you take the road, so you don’t have to download it while driving.

The choice of alternative routes is almost the same in both map applications:

  • Route your trip or destination as usual
  • See alternate routes by tapping the dimmed lines on the map to see different directions

Now comes the more difficult part, which is to choose the instructions to use. It is highly recommended to look at the actual driving directions before leaving instead of waiting on the road and relying on alternating navigation. This way, if you see something that doesn’t look right, you can find a better route before it’s too late and you’re in the middle of nowhere. Also keep in mind that the shortest travel routes will not always be the fastest, especially in adverse weather conditions or heavy traffic.

Don’t forget to show traffic information in both Maps as well, as it can give you a significant head start on delays. Google Maps also has little advantage in terms of traffic, simply because more people use the service and it actually gives you upfront traffic information for routes in general:

Google Maps traffic information is displayed along the route

The more I’ve used both Apple and Google’s map service, the more I noticed that each provides an additional route that is completely unique to their service, such as the screenshots show. As a result, I always aim for routes that are shared between both services and that are the most common sense, and often it is not the first route for either application.

Without this discussion of which map app is better, you may find that these two apps also give different total miles and time estimates, even for the same routes. And while Apple Maps typically does a good job on major freeways, it has picked up some unusual routes before you get to a side road, presumably faster than the route destination. For this reason, I warmly recommend using both map apps and comparing the same distances to both, and then using the old common sense alone to decide on the final route. Have a nice trip!

Benefits: Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps

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FAQ: Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps

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In this guide, I told you about the Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps.
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In this guide, I discuss about the Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps, which is very helpful.
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Apple Devices only.
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mac OS or iOS
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Final note: Find the Best Directions on iPhone by Comparing Alternate Routes in Maps Apps

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