Fixes: 3D Print Ghosting Or Ringing: 5 ways

Get rid of the 3D print ghosts! With these easy fixes, you can get prints that are smoother and cleaner without any ringing or ripples.

Ghosting, which is also called ringing and rippling, is a common flaw in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing technologies. It shows up most clearly on flat, vertical surfaces. This flaw shows up as unwanted, small waves or oscillations on the surface of the printed object, which lowers its overall quality. This guide help you in how to Fixes: 3D Print Ghosting Or Ringing.

Often, this is because of changes in the 3D printer’s structure, especially when the printing head suddenly changes direction while the job is being done. Making these kinds of changes can make the printer move too quickly or too slowly because of inertia.

Ghosting changes more than just how something looks; it also changes how accurate the measurements are and how well the structure stays together. It is important to carefully calibrate the printer settings, fix any mechanical issues, and use techniques like acceleration and jerk control to keep movement direction from changing quickly.

What is 3D print ghosting?

Ghosting in 3D prints, which is also called ringing or rippling, is a common problem that can make your prints look bad. The vibrations happen when the print head moves quickly and makes the printer frame shake. These vibrations move through the filament and make it lay down a little unevenly. This makes patterns on the surface of the print that look like waves or ripples.

Fixes: 3D Print Ghosting Or Ringing

How they look

  • Most of the time, ghosting looks like thin, wavy lines on the vertical surfaces of your print that are flat.
  • It can also dull or round off edges and corners.
  • In the worst cases, the whole print might look skewed or distorted.

What caused it

  • Vibrations from the print head moving quickly, especially making sudden changes in direction, are the main cause.
  • Ghosting can also be caused by loose belts, worn-out parts, and a printer frame that isn’t stable.
  • If you print too quickly, the problem can get worse.

Fixes: 3D Print Ghosting Or Ringing

  1. Check how it works.
  2. Examine the belts.
  3. Make sure the printer is not moving around.
  4. Change the acceleration, speed, and jerks.
  5. Setting things up again.

Material Considerations and Their Impact

Stiffness, rigidity

  • Rigid materials: PLA and ABS ghost more because they transmit vibrations well. The stiffness allows vibrations to travel further through the printed object, wobbling the nozzle.
  • Flexible materials: TPU and TPE dampen vibrations better, reducing nozzle impact and ghosting. The inherent flexibility absorbs vibrations before they travel far, smoothing print surfaces.


  • High viscosity materials: High-viscosity materials, like high-temperature filaments, resist flow. Ghosting can increase due to printing process vibrations due to this resistance.
  • Low viscosity materials: Lower viscosity materials flow more smoothly and resist nozzle movement less. This fluidity reduces nozzle vibrations and ghosting.

Layer adhesion

  • Weak layer adhesion: Some nylons have weak layer adhesion, which can increase ghosting. Layer bonding issues allow vibrations to disrupt the material as it’s deposited, causing inconsistencies and lines.
  • Strong layer adhesion: PetG and other materials with strong layer adhesion resist vibrations better. The strong layer bonding reduces ghosting during printing.

Tips for Preventing Future Ghosting and Ringing

Fixes: 3D Print Ghosting Or Ringing

Hardware Tips

  • Tighten your belts:  Give loose belts a firm but not over-tightened flick with your finger to prevent movement. Try to bounce less.
  • Keep loose bolts and screws tight: Vibrations can amplify imperfections.

Adjusting Print Settings

  • Print slower: Slower printing lets filament cool and solidify, reducing inertia and vibrations.
  • Adjust acceleration and jerk settings: Lower acceleration and jerk settings to reduce speed changes and abrupt jolts.

Optimising Models

  • Minimize sharp corners and overhangs: Instead of sharp corners and overhangs, use smoother curves or support structures to reduce ringing.
  • Use internal structures strategically: Strategically fill models with honeycomb or gyroid infill to stiffen and dampen vibrations.


How do I fix ghost printing?

A quick paper setting adjustment usually fixes ghosting. Clean the printer—most have a cleaning function. Repeat this to fix the printing issue. Check the drum for toner powder buildup.

What is ringing and ghosting?

The details on a 3D print seem to repeat along the wall of the printed part. This is called “ghosting” or “ringing.”

What causes 3D print ghosting?

Vibration is what makes ghosting happen. It usually happens when parts that move, like a print head, have to quickly change which way they’re moving. Because of this, it happens a lot with prints that have sharp corners.

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