How to Fix ‘Arrow Keys Not Working’ issue In Excel

Can't navigate your Excel sheet? This guide unveils simple solutions to get your arrow keys working and conquer common keyboard issues.

Is it annoying that the arrow keys in Excel don’t work? Without the smooth operation of arrow keys, moving around in your spreadsheet can get old. This post will show you several ways how to Fix ‘Arrow Keys Not Working’ issue In Excel.

We know how important it is to be able to navigate Excel quickly and easily, so we’ll give you real-world answers to the arrow key problem. Excel users who had the same problem have tried our step-by-step steps and found them to work. With our help, you’ll be able to get back in charge of your charts and work without any problems. Explore the official website for in-depth details

Why ‘Arrow Keys Not Working’ issue In Excel

  • Problems with the Keyboard: Occasionally, your keyboard may be broken. Test the arrow keys in different programmes to see if they still work. If they don’t, your keyboard might be broken and needs to be fixed or replaced.
  • Excel-Specific Scroll Lock: Excel also has its own Scroll Lock tool that can make it hard to use the arrow keys. Click the progress bar at the bottom of your spreadsheet and right-click on it. If “Scroll Lock” is checked, uncheck it.
  • Ads that don’t work well with Excel: Ads from other companies can sometimes make Excel not work properly. Turning off any add-ins you have loaded for now and see if that fixes the problem.
How to Fix 'Arrow Keys Not Working' issue In Excel
  • Damaged Excel File: Occasionally, the issue could be caused by an Excel file that is damaged. Check to see if the arrow keys work in a different worksheet or a new one that you make.
  • Software Problems: Sometimes, bugs or problems in Excel can cause it to act in strange ways. Check to see if the problem goes away by restarting Excel or getting the latest version.

How to Fix ‘Arrow Keys Not Working’ issue In Excel

Turn on sticky keys on Windows computers

  1. In the search bar at the bottom of the screen, open the Start menu and type “Control Panel.” Get to the Control Panel.
  2. Pick up the Ease of Access Centre and click on “Change how your keyboard works.”
  3. Make the keyboard easier to use” can be chosen from the menu.
  4. Click “OK” after choosing “Turn on Sticky Keys.”
  5. Check your paper to see if you can use the arrow keys again.

Turn off the scroll lock on Windows computers

  1. Click on the search box at the bottom of the screen after opening the Start menu.
  2. The on-screen keyboard should be easy to find and use.
  3. Take a look at the keyboard’s right side. This shows you all the keys to the locks.
  4. Press and hold the “ScrLk” key. This turns off the lock on the scroll.

Disable Scroll Lock in Excel

  1. Start up Microsoft Excel and then open a worksheet, either a new one or an old one.
  2. At the bottom of your tab, rightclick on the Status bar. It might be easier to find if you look for things like the zoom tool and Page Layout.
  3. Find Scroll Lock in the menu in the Status bar. If the function is marked as “On,” click on it once to turn it off.

Disable Add-Ins

  1. Start up Excel on your machine.
  2. From the File menu, choose Options from the list on the left.
  3. To see how your Excel Addins are set up, click on Add-ins on the left tab.
  4. Pick Excel Add-ins from the drop-down box and click Go.
  5. Pick out all of the add-ins, then click “OK.”
  6. Remove all of the add-ins and click “OK.”
  7. Make sure you do the steps above for each choice in the drop-down menu. This will turn off all of your Excel add-ins.
  8. Check out your paper again and use the arrow keys.


Why did my arrow keys stop working?

It’s probably because the keyboard drivers in your operating system are out of date or broken. You may also be having issues with gear, such as a broken or damaged keyboard.

Why wont my arrow keys work in Excel?

Most likely, your arrows aren’t working because you accidentally set your keyboard’s scroll lock to “on.” To get the lines to work again, you need to turn that feature off. If this is the case, look at the light on the keyboard’s Scroll Lock button.

How do I change my arrow keys back to normal?

Most of the time, pressing Fn + Windows will let you switch between the normal setting and the alternate key setting. Anyway, there are other popular key combinations that could help you get out of the jam, such as Fn + Esc and Fn + Left.

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