Troubleshooting Guide: Resolve the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ Error

If you have encountered the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ error message, you’re likely looking for a solution to restore normal functionality to your PC. This error can be connected to the Microsoft Bing Desktop or Skype applications and may not be essential to your operating system’s performance. This guide will provide a step-by-step approach to addressing and resolving this common issue.

Diagnosing the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ Error

The ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ error typically arises in conjunction with software related to Microsoft Bing or Skype. The BSvcProcessor is part of Microsoft’s Bing infrastructure and may be present as a bundled component with software installations or as an add-on in your browsers, such as the Bing toolbar. Even though BSvcProcessor is not integral to the Windows OS, it’s important to ensure it does not impact your system’s efficiency or pose security risks.

To confirm your system’s integrity, run a complete antivirus scan to eliminate any possibility of infection by viruses or malware masquerading as legitimate processes.

Effective Solutions for the BSvcProcessor Error

Uninstalling Bing Bar and Removing Browser Extensions

The BSvcProcessor often comes with the installation of the Bing Bar application or the Microsoft Bing Desktop. To mitigate the error, you should start by uninstalling the Bing Bar and removing associated browser add-ons.

  1. Access ‘Control Panel’ in your Windows system, then navigate through ‘Programs’ to ‘Uninstall a program’.
  2. Locate the Bing Bar in the application list, right-click on it and select ‘Uninstall’.
  3. Confirm your decision to fully remove the Bing Bar from your PC.

Additionally, make sure to disable any Bing browser extensions, using Internet Explorer as an example:

  1. Start Internet Explorer, click on the gear icon for ‘Settings’, and proceed to ‘Manage Add-ons’.
  2. Identify any add-ons linked to Bing, select each one, and hit the ‘Disable’ button.

Scrutinizing Startup Processes

Unchecked, Bing might attempt to assert itself during your computer’s startup. Therefore, you should inspect your system’s startup processes to ensure that Bing services are not auto-launching in the background.

  1. Use the search box to type ‘msconfig’ and open the corresponding result.
  2. Under the ‘Services’ tab, seek out and uncheck any service that is associated with Bing.
  3. Apply the changes before exiting the configuration.

If previous steps haven’t resolved the BSvcProcessor error, the next step involves editing the Windows Registry directly to remove references to Bing.

  1. Press ‘Win + R’ to open the ‘Run’ dialog, enter ‘regedit’, and hit ‘OK’ to open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun.
  3. In the Registry Editor’s right pane, locate and right-click the ‘bingsvc’ entry and select ‘Delete’.
  4. Restart your machine to check if the issue is resolved.

Conclusion: Successfully Troubleshooting the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ Error

By following the guidance provided, you should be able to rectify the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ error. By ensuring that the components related to Bing are properly managed or removed from your system, stability and performance should be restored.


Q: What causes the ‘BSvc Processor Has Stopped Working’ error?

A: This error is often caused by issues related to the Microsoft Bing Desktop application or Skype and is not critical to the Windows operating system.

Q: Do I need the BSvcProcessor for my computer to function correctly?

A: No, the BSvcProcessor is a non-essential component and disabling or removing it will not harm your system’s performance.

This article provides a sample guideline for using a rewriting tool to revamp HTML content with updated references and SEO-friendly language. Remember to cater to the most recent software or product versions to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content.

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