How to Fix ‘Defrosting Helldiver’ issue in Helldivers 2

Can't join the fight? This guide melts the "Defrosting Helldiver" error in Helldivers 2, getting you back to alien stomping action fast!

It’s been more than a week since the release of Helldivers 2, and unfortunately, the game is still suffering from massive server issues. The developers at Arrowhead Game Studios have apologized many times already, and they have been doing everything in their power to fix these problems. In this article we will explain you how to Fix ‘Defrosting Helldiver’ issue in Helldivers 2.

Many players have been experiencing this issue in the last 24 hours, with no real statement from the developers on when it will be resolved. In this article, we are going to take a look at the ‘Defrosting Helldiver’ error and we will try to help you troubleshoot and get past this loading screen issue in Helldivers 2.

Causes ‘Defrosting Helldiver’ issue in Helldivers 2

  • Server overload: Too many players or trouble with the server can slow down or mess up the loading process. This happened a lot when the game first came out, but it still happens sometimes.
  • Bugs in software: There are also times when bugs or glitches on the server side can stop the loading process and keep players stuck on the “Defrosting Helldiver” screen.
  • Problems with the internet connection: If your internet connection is unstable or slow, it can make it hard to talk to the website, which can cause loading issues.
  • Damaged or lost game files can lead to a number of problems, such as not being able to load into the game.
How to Fix 'Defrosting Helldiver' issue in Helldivers 2
  • Version of the game that is too old: If you play an older version of the game, it may not have all the necessary fixes or improvements, which can cause compatibility problems.
  • Software conflicts: Other programmes on your computer could get in the way of the game’s link or processes, leading to conflicts.

How to Fix ‘Defrosting Helldiver’ issue in Helldivers 2

Verify Game Files

That is the most usual way to fix video games that are having technical problems. Some players on both PlayStation 5 and Steam PC are having trouble because their download is broken. You could either do a fresh install or use the “Verify integrity of video game files” feature that you can find by right-clicking Helldivers 2 and going to Properties > Installed Files.

Join On Friends Online

For this one, it might have something to do with how socially important queue spots are. The “Join Game” tool on a friend who is already connected seems to work most of the time to at least get you into a session, though it might not be set up the way you like. This one will be hard for players who don’t have busy online friends, but services like looking-for-group (LFG) on Reddit and Discord could help.

Advanced Workarounds

  1. Changing the settings on the router or turning it off for a short time to rule out problems with the internet connection.
  2. By using a VPN or connecting to a different network, you can get around any network problems that might be happening.
  3. Keeping an eye on official updates and installing the newest patch as soon as it comes out.

Check server status

No matter how hard you try, you can’t do anything until the computers are back up. Check this first. Find out if the game has announced that the servers are down on their website, public social media pages, or Discord channel. If they have, all you have to do is wait for them to be fixed.


What is the “Defrosting Helldiver” issue?

Players run into this problem when they get stuck on the opening screen that says “Defrosting Helldiver” and can’t move forward. If there are a lot of players, the server may get too busy, but it can also be because of a problem with one player’s link.

Is there anything else I can do?

Check out the main channels: Keep an eye on Helldivers 2’s boards and social media to find out about changes to the server or known problems.

What causes the issue?

The most usual reason is that too many players are using the servers at the same time. This is very important during busy times or right after big changes. Local network problems: Your internet connection or firewall settings could make it impossible to connect to the game servers at times. Damaged game files: Game files that aren’t working right can also make it hard to load.

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