Fix: ‘Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container’ Error

Lost in file limbo? Unravel the secret to fixing the 'Failed to Enumerate Objects' error & access your files.

It “failed to list the objects in the container.” It usually shows up when you try to change the permissions of a file or folder and says “Access is denied.” Most of the time, this file or folder comes from somewhere else, like a different computer, or it’s shared by many people in the same area. In this article we will explain you how to Fix ‘Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container’ Error.

At first glance, this error warning may look scary, but it’s not so bad if you know what to do with it. We’ll talk about a few different ways to fix this error and get your Windows 11 computer’s permissions back in this piece.

That being said, there are a few different ways to fix this annoying Windows 10 problem. We wanted to give you the best answers in a complete guide that anyone could follow, even if they had never used Windows 10 before.

What is ‘Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container’ error

When Windows users try to view or change files inside a folder, they often get the “Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container” error. This problem shows up when there are issues with permissions, damaged files, or file system conflicts.

To fix it, you can change the rights on the folder, do a disc check, or fix damaged files in the Command Prompt. Make sure you have the right administrative rights, and after making changes, you might want to restart the server. You might also be able to fix this problem and make your system more stable by checking for malware or updating your operating system.

Causes ‘Fix Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container’ Error

  • File or folder ownership is wrong: The file or folder may be owned by a different user account, which will prevent you from accessing it.
  • Not Enough rights: It’s possible that your user account doesn’t have enough read, write, or change rights.
  • Conflicting rights: Problems can arise when inherited rights are not consistent between folders and subfolders.
Fix 'Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container' Error
  • Damaged System Files: Key parts that handle files may be broken, making them harder to get to.
  • Disc Errors: Errors on the hard drive, either logical or real, can stop the file system from working.
  • Measures That Are Too Safe: Antivirus or security software could block access to some files or folders because it thinks they are risks.

Fix: ‘Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container’ Error

Disable Proxy Server in Windows

  1. Click the magnifying glass to open the taskbar search bar. The Windows + S keyboard shortcut opens it.
  2. Search Internet Options and click the first result. After the pop-up window appears, click LAN Settings under the Connections tab.
  3. Disable Use a proxy server for your LAN in the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings box. The proxy server is not responsible if the option is not checked.
  4. Disable this option and see if the website loads. If the issue was caused by proxy-filtered network traffic, you may be allowed to login.

Set your account as administrator

  1. Search Windows for cmd.
  2. Run Command Prompt as administrator by right-clicking.
  3. If User Account Control asks to allow changes, click Yes.
  4. Copy and paste the following command into the new window:
  5. active:yes net user administrator
  6. Enter and close Command Prompt.

Run a Virus and Malware Scan

  1. Find Windows Security in Start and launch it.
  2. Select app virus & threat protection.
  3. Select Scan on the next screen.
  4. Select Full scan, then Scan now.
  5. Wait for the antivirus to eradicate malware and viruses.
  6. Restart PC.

Boot Your Windows PC in Safe Mode

  1. Windows + I opens Settings.
  2. Select System in the left sidebar and Recovery in the right.
  3. Select Restart now under Advanced startup.
  4. Select Restart now at the prompt.
  5. Select Restart from Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings.
  6. Start your PC in safe mode.


What does failed to enumerate mean?

It “failed to list the objects in the container.” It usually shows up when you try to change the permissions of a file or folder and says “Access is denied.” Most of the time, this file or folder comes from somewhere else, like a different computer, or it’s shared by many people in the same area.

How do I fix access denied in Windows 10?

Press and hold on the file or folder, and then press and hold on Properties. Pick out the Safety tab. If you click on your name under “Group or user names,” you can see what rights you have. Click Edit, then click on your name. Check the boxes next to the rights you need, and then click OK.

Why am I getting access denied?

The “Access Denied” error shows up when your browser’s proxy or VPN options are different from the ones on your Windows 10 PC. If a website thinks that something is wrong with your browser cookies or your network, it will stop you. This is why you can’t access the website.

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