Fix: ‘QR Code Not Working’ issue on Phone

Is your QR code kaput? Get it scanning again with these quick & simple solutions.

It is almost impossible to go a day without seeing some kind of QR Code. You can find QR codes on a restaurant menu card that you don’t have to touch, an app on your phone, an ad in the tube and even a concert ticket. They are a big part of our lives and how we get information. In this article we will explain you how to Fix ‘QR Code Not Working’ issue on Phone

It’s easy to see why QR codes have become so popular they offer a lot of useful features in a very simple package. What if, though, the QR code doesn’t work? It’s definitely a frustrating turn of events that could ruin a smooth marketing effort or a user’s digital journey.

A QR code that doesn’t work is more than just a small inconvenience when it happens more often. We look at all the possible reasons a QR code might not work in this in-depth guide, including some you may not have thought of before. Don’t worry, though—we got this!

Why ‘QR Code Not Working’ issue

  • Images that are too blurry or have too many pixels can make screening more difficult. Make sure the QR codes are good quality and in SVG or PNG file.
  • Damaged or obscured: Damage or barriers like creases, dirt, or stickers can make scanning difficult.
  • Not enough contrast: Scanners need to be able to tell the difference between dark and light areas. Don’t use colour choices with low contrast or print on surfaces that reflect light.
  • Inverted colours: Lighter QR codes on dark backgrounds look good, but some apps may have trouble reading them.
Fix 'QR Code Not Working' issue on Phone
  • Not big enough: QR codes need to be big enough for readers to read them. Sizes can be as small as 2×2 inches or bigger depending on the medium and the distance.
  • Poor placement: Don’t put things in places that are at odd angles, have curved surfaces, or don’t have enough light.
  • Not enough light: Scanners need enough light to work. Make it brighter, or if you have to, use the torch on your phone.

Fix: ‘QR Code Not Working’ issue on Phone

Device Settings and Permissions

  1. Camera Permission: Check if the scanning app has permission to access the device’s camera.
  2. Disable Power-Saving Mode: Power-saving settings might limit camera functionality. Disable such settings temporarily.

Internet Connection

Be certain that the mobile device is connected to the internet in a reliable manner. It is possible that a weak internet connection will prohibit the QR code from functioning properly if it leads to a webpage or other material that is available online.

QR Code Reader App

  1. Check to see if a QR code reader app is already installed. If not, get a good QR code reader from the app store and install it.
  2. Update the app: Make sure the QR code reader app is up to date. Older versions may not work with newer ones.

Network Connectivity

  1. Internet Connection: Make sure that the gadget is connected to the internet. You need to be connected to the internet to see some QR codes.
  2. Data Limits: If you’re using mobile data, make sure you have enough to view the content linked.


Why is QR code no longer valid?

You put in the wrong information. Check the data or URL you put all the time. There are times when small mistakes in your URL cause your QR code to not work, or it may lead to a website that doesn’t exist anymore. Also, look for links that don’t work.

Can you fix a QR code link?

Yes, as long as the QR Code itself changes. You can change everything about Dynamic QR Codes, like the short URL, the landing page content, or even the type of QR Code that is used. This is the same thing as “redirecting” the QR Code to a different function.

What makes a QR code unreadable?

If you put a lot of text into the code, the corner parts will get really small in the sea of pixels. This can make it hard for people with QR code readers to read your code, or even make it impossible.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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