How to Fix ‘Venmo Lost Connection With The Bank’ Issue

No more Venmo frustration! Fix the bank connection issue fast.

When you see the message “Venmo lost connection with the bank,” there are a few things you can do to investigate and fix the issue. Make sure your internet connection is stable and strong first, because problems with connectivity can stop Venmo and your bank from talking to each other. This guide shows you how to Fix ‘Venmo lost connection with the bank’ issue.

Additionally, make sure that the information you used to connect your bank account to Venmo is correct. Consider getting help from both Venmo’s customer service and your bank’s support team if the problem keeps happening. Additionally, making sure that your device’s operating system is up to date and updating the Venmo app to the most recent version may fix any software compatibility issues.

Watching your bank account for strange activity on a regular basis can also help you find possible security problems. By doing these things and getting help when you need it, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix the “Venmo lost connection with the bank” issue.

Common Causes of the Venmo Bank Connection Problem

Connectivity Issues:

  • Weak internet connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection (Wi-Fi or data) when linking or using Venmo.
  • Server issues: Occasionally, technical problems on Venmo or your bank’s servers can disrupt the connection.

Bank Account Information:

  • Incorrect information: Double-check that you entered your bank account details accurately in the Venmo app, including routing number and account number.
How to Fix 'Venmo lost connection with the bank' issue
  • Changes in bank details: If you recently changed your bank account password, phone number, or any other information, Venmo might need to re-verify your account.

App Issues:

  • Outdated Venmo app: Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Venmo app. Outdated versions might have bugs that affect connectivity.
  • App malfunction: In rare cases, the app itself might experience temporary glitches. Try restarting the app or your device.

How to Fix ‘Venmo lost connection with the bank’ issue

  1. Go to Venmo and delete your bank account. This will make the link between your bank account and Venmo account work again.
  2. Start up your device again. There are times when this can help fix any short-term problems that might be causing the error.
  3. Please add your bank account again to Venmo. Make sure that all of your information is correct when you add your bank account back.
  4. Check your bank account. You might be asked by Venmo to confirm your bank account once more. You can either enter a code sent to your phone or put a small amount of money into your account.

Understanding the ‘Venmo lost connection with the bank’ Error

The error message “Venmo lost connection with the bank” means that Venmo can’t connect to your bank account to make transactions possible. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Outdated Bank Information: If you change your bank information, like your password, it can cause problems between Venmo and your bank.
  • Trouble with Plaid: Venmo connects to your bank through Plaid, a third-party service. At times, this error can happen when Plaid is having short-term problems.
  • Problems with the app or device: If your Venmo app is out of date or your device has a temporary bug, it can also make it hard to connect.
  • Problems on the bank’s end: Changes at your bank, like security updates, can sometimes temporarily stop the connection with Venmo.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Future Bank Connection Issues

  • Make sure your software is up to date: Make sure that the latest security patches and updates are installed on your operating system, web browser, and any financial software that you use. Hackers may be able to use security holes in old software to do harm.
  • Strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) should be used: When you can, use multifactor authentication (MFA) and make sure each of your online banking passwords is strong and unique. This makes things safer by requiring a second verification code in addition to your password.
  • Be careful with apps from outside sources: Don’t give third-party apps that connect to your bank account too much access. You should only let trusted apps in and be careful about what information they ask for.
  • Regularly check your account activity: Check your bank statements and transaction history often for any strange activity. This can help you find transactions that aren’t real quickly.

How to Download venmo app?

Venmo is a mobile app that allows you to send and receive money from friends and contacts. Get started with Venmo by downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play store .


Why is Venmo saying it lost connection with my bank account?

On Venmo, do you see the message “We lost connection with your bank”? You are not the only one if that’s the case. There are several things that could lead to this error, such as changes to your banking information, the security settings at your bank, or a problem with Venmo’s servers.

Why will Venmo not accept my bank?

Please check with your bank to make sure the following is true if your Venmo bank account is marked as “Invalid”: The account number and routing number you have are correct. You can do as many electronic or ACH transactions as you want with your bank account.

Does Venmo freeze bank accounts?

Venmo has security measures in place to protect their users from fraud and identity theft. If Venmo suspects anything suspicious they may freeze a user’s account. Some potential security problems include: Unauthorized access to your account.

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