How to Fix ‘YouTube Spacebar Pause not Working’ issue

Frustrated with YouTube's spacebar not pausing videos? Don't despair! This guide shows you simple fixes to get it working again.

With billions of daily users, YouTube is one of the most popular places to share videos in the world. The platform is generally very easy to use, but users do run into problems from time to time, like the spacebar pause not working. This can be annoying if you use this feature a lot to quickly pause and play movies. In this article we will show you how to Fix ‘YouTube Spacebar Pause not Working’ issue.

The spacebar pause function is an important part of YouTube because it lets users quickly pause and play videos. It can be annoying when this function doesn’t work right, but there are ways to fix it. We’ll talk about some of the reasons why the spacebar pause button might not be working and how to fix it in this piece.

Why ‘YouTube Spacebar Pause not Working’ issue

  • Click on the video player. This gives the video player focus, which lets you use the spacebar properly.
  • Do not click anywhere else in the video: Focus could be taken away from the player if they click on comments, the progress bar, or other places.
  • Get rid of cookies and cache: Outdated info can sometimes make things not work right.
  • Turn off browser add-ons: Keyboard shortcuts and some apps might not work well together. Turning them off for a while might fix the problem.
How to Fix 'YouTube Spacebar Pause not Working' issue
  • Get a new browser: For the best speed and compatibility, make sure you’re using the most recent version.
  • Check out other sites: Check to see if the space bar can be used on other devices to play or pause movies. This can help you figure out if the problem is with your computer or YouTube.
  • Get your keys clean: Dust or other debris could make the spacebar less useful.

How to Fix ‘YouTube Spacebar Pause not Working’ issue

Clear Cache and Cookies

Still having trouble with the YouTube spacebar not working? Sometimes clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can help fix the problem. Find the “Clear Browsing Data” button in your browser’s settings and click it. Then, click the “Clear Cache and Cookies” buttons that appear.

Use a Tampermonkey script’

  1. Add the Tampermonkey add-on to Chrome and then pin it.
  2. “Create a new script” will appear when you click on the Tampermonkey extension.
  3. Select the code on the script and delete it.
  4. Take the code from this JavaScript file on Github.
  5. Paste the code back into the Tampermonkey script.
  6. Make sure the script is turned on by clicking “File” and then “Save.”
  7. Press the space bar while watching a YouTube movie to pause it!

Check YouTube Settings

In your YouTube settings, make sure that the “Play/Pause” computer shortcut is turned on. Click on your profile picture in the upper right area of YouTube and choose “Settings” to see if this is true. Finally, go to “Keyboard shortcuts” and make sure that “Play/Pause” is on.

Contact YouTue Support

All of the above solutions may not work if you are still having the “YouTube Spacebar Pause Not Working” issue. The last thing you can do is contact YouTube Support and ask them to fix the issue. The YouTube help team will look into what’s wrong and get it fixed as soon as they can.


Why is my spacebar malfunctioning?

Most of the time, a broken spacebar is caused by dust on your computer. If you don’t clean these things off properly, they can slow down the computer. To get rid of the dust and other junk: Get an air compressor right away at the nearby electronics shop.

Why won t my spacebar press down?

Dust: Things like dust and dirt can sometimes mess up your electronics. The spaces at the bottom or sides of your computer keys can get clogged with dust, which can make them not work right.

Why is the pause button stuck on YouTube?

I’m having trouble with the YouTube app because the next play/pause buttons won’t go away until I click the “close” button while a video is playing. Turn this off by going to settings, then accessibility, then accessibility/menu. It will definitely work.

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