Flip a Coin or Roll the Dice with Siri

Use Siri to flip a coin or roll the dice. It’s a fun and easy way to make decisions and settle arguments.

This guide is about the Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri.

Can’t decide if you should have a pizza or a Thai for dinner, but all the coins have run out to be turned over and a decision made for you? Or maybe you can’t play Yahtze or Bunco because you lost your dice? Not a big deal if you have an iPhone or iPad, as Siri can both roll the dice and turn the coins for you.

You can use either of these tricks by calling Siri in the usual way and then saying one of these:

  • “Throw a coin”
  • “Roll the dice”

In both statements, you will receive a completely randomized response that will be reported to you.

Siri, “Turn the coin”

As you might expect, you get either “heads” or “tails,” and the answer seems to be completely random:

Turn a coin with Siri for difficult decisions

If you keep asking, you’ll start to get even more obscure answers, like “Rosencrantz says heads,” referring to Shakespeare’s Hamlet character, showing Sir’s increasingly special personality.

Flip the coin with Siri and random results

Unfortunately, you lose the excitement as well as the pleasure of knowing what you really wanted when the coin was flying in the air, but the robot’s neutrality can make the end result easier.

“Dice,” Siri!

While Siri doesn’t show you real dice, instead it gives you a couple of numbers that appear on the death side:

Roll the dice with Siri

At this point, asking Sir to roll multiple dice will make him respond with the word “I don’t understand,” so don’t wait for you to roll all your deaths yet.

Like many other Siri Easter eggs, you won’t find them on the official command list (at least at least), but people just seem to stumble upon them by asking an assistant random questions, commands, or statements and seeing what’s to come. If you find something fun for yourself, let us know!

Head to CultofMac to find an interesting find.

Benefits: Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri

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FAQ: Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri

[wpsm_accordion_section title=”Guide about Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri”]
In this guide, I told you about the Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri.
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In this guide, I discuss about the Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri, which is very helpful.
[wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported devices for this guide?”]
Apple Devices only.
[wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Operating system?”]
mac OS or iOS
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Final note: Flip a Coin & Roll the Dice with Siri

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