How to Gift Games on Steam (easy guide)

Unlock the joy of gifting on Steam! Learn how to send games to friends effortlessly, with tips & tricks for every occasion.

As the ultimate hub for gamers, Steam has become the most popular choice, providing an easy way to organise and access large game libraries. One feature that users love is that they can give bought games to friends as gifts. This helps build community and shared experiences within the gaming community. This tutorial shows you how to gift games on Steam.

This way of giving gifts adds a personal touch to gaming culture and lets people share the fun of their favourite games with others. This action goes beyond just making a purchase; it’s often a sign of friendship, gratitude, or just a love for video games. In addition, Steam offers a unique way for people to share games: promotional purchases that come with extra copies let friends play games together without having to buy each one separately.

This feature not only makes people feel more welcome, but it also makes playing games with others more fun, since friends can go on adventures together without any problems. More than anything else, Steam’s gifting system shows that the platform wants to make gaming more social, help people connect, and spread the love of gaming among friends. To know about more go their official website.

How to gift games on Steam

  1. Check your friend’s Steam account.
  2. If you buy a game for someone without a Steam account, they must create one and download the client.
  3. Go to Friends after setting them up. Search for their username under Add a Friend.
  4. Befriend them. After they agree, send them a game.
  5. Select the game you want to give in the Steam store, either in the client or online, and click Add to Cart. If you own the game, there will be a note above the buy option saying “Buy this game as a gift for a friend.”
  6. Step 6: Gift purchase.
    • Choose the recipient from your friends. If you want the delivery to arrive late and surprise someone, you can schedule it.
  7. Add your friend’s name and message to your gift. This could be a happy birthday, happy holidays, heartfelt letter, or funny message.
  8. Press Continue after personalizing your gift with a note and proceed to the purchase screen like you were buying a game. Your friend must accept the gift. You’ll be notified when they add it to their library.

Benefits of Gifting Games on Steam

  • Lots of options: Steam has a huge library of games, so no matter what kind of games the person you’re giving it to will want to play.
  • You can choose to give them a specific game, a Steam gift card, or even pre-order a game.
  • It’s easy because gifts are sent electronically, so you don’t have to worry about mailing or wrapping them.
How to gift games on Steam
  • Sales and discounts: Steam often has sales and discounts, which means you can get games for less money.
  • Community features: Steam has a vibrant community of gamers, so the recipient can connect with other players and make friends.

Tips for Choosing the Right Game to Gift

Know who you’re writing to:

  • Genre preferences: What kinds of games do they play most of the time? Do they like exciting adventures, relaxing puzzle games, strategic simulations, or something else?
  • Level of skill: Are they an experienced gamer who likes hard challenges or a less serious player who likes easier games?
  • Favourite game series or franchises: Do they have any favourite game series or developers that they really enjoy? It’s safe to build on interests that people already have.

Learn about it:

  • Read reviews and watch videos of games: Check out the game’s story, mechanics, and general vibe to see if it fits the person you’re giving it to.
  • For reviews of Steam, click here: Look for common compliments and complaints to get a sense of how well it’s been received overall.
  • Look through the Steam discovery queues. These are hand-picked lists based on genres, themes, and popularity that you can use to find hidden gems or try new things.

Take these other things into account:

  • Set a price range and stick to it. There are sales and discounts on Steam all the time, so be patient and wait for the right chance.
  • Multiplayer options: If they like playing with other people, you could give them a multiplayer game that you can all enjoy together.
  • Early Access vs. finished games: Early Access games aren’t fully finished yet, so they might have bugs or be changed. Finished games, on the other hand, are smooth and stable. Pick based on how much risk the person you’re giving it to can handle.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Gifting Games on Steam

  • Not knowing what kinds of games the person you’re giving to likes: This is probably the worst thing you can do. When you’re shopping for someone, think about what kinds of games they like before you buy anything. Do they like shooters with a lot of action, puzzle games that make them feel calm, or something else?
  • It can be very disappointing for the recipient if you give them a game that they already own. Check their Steam library twice before you buy anything. Just go to their profile and click on the “Games” tab to do this.
  • Giving them a game that doesn’t work with their system: Before you give someone a game as a gift, make sure it can be played on their computer. On the Steam Store page, you can see what your computer needs to run any game.
  • Forgetting about geo-blocks: Some games can only be played in certain countries because they are “region-locked.” When you buy a game for someone from a different region than you, make sure it’s not locked to that region first.


Can you gift someone a Steam game?

Previously, it was possible to send a game to anyone with an email address, and the message would include instructions on how to set up a Steam account and download their new purchase. Now, you can only gift new games to people who already have a Steam account and are on your friend list.

Can you gift a game on Steam to someone in another country?

Most of the time, there are no region restrictions on items bought from the Steam store. But products bought as gifts might not work in all areas.

Can I refund a gifted game on Steam?

You can ask for a refund on a game that was given to you by another user within 14 days of buying it, as long as you haven’t played it for more than two hours.

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