Maintaining Your Privacy: A Guide on Blocking Followers on Strava

Embarking on a journey towards greater privacy on social media can be empowering. Strava, the renowned fitness network, lets you share your athletic pursuits but also comes with the need for personal space management. This article will guide you on how to secure your Strava activities from unwanted followers, making sure you’re comfortable with who views your progress.

Understanding the Implications of Blocking on Strava

Blocking a follower on Strava carries certain consequences that enhance your privacy on the platform. When you choose to block an individual:

  • They are removed from your list of followers, and you are removed from theirs—effectively severing the social media connection between you both.
  • The blocked user will also not be able to re-follow you, ensuring that your activities remain hidden from them.
  • Although blocked, individuals can still see a snapshot of your profile—such as your profile picture and bio—but they will not have access to your detailed activity logs.
  • One caveat is that if you appear in a public leaderboard, a blocked user may still see an overview of your activity. However, the good news is they cannot drill down into the specifics.

It’s important to note that when you block someone on Strava, they do not receive a direct notification. While it’s discreet, the individual might notice they can no longer see your full profile or activities.

How to Block a Follower in the Strava Mobile App

To block a follow using Strava’s mobile app:

  • Navigate to the profile of the user you wish to block. In the top-right corner, tap the three dots to reveal a menu with various options.
  • Select “Block this athlete” and confirm your choice to finalize the blocking process.

Blocking a Strava User Through the Website

If you’re using the Strava website:

  • First, log in to your Strava account. Use the search function to locate the profile of the user you want to block.
  • On their profile page, click the gear icon to open settings, and select “Block Athlete” to prevent them from viewing your Strava activities henceforth.


In conclusion, Strava provides a straightforward way to block followers, enabling you to control who sees your activities and maintains your privacy. This guide is designed to help you confidently navigate the process, ensuring you can exercise your right to choose your audience on the platform.


Q: Will blocking a user on Strava also remove our past interactions?

A: Blocking a user will not erase the past activities they could see, but it will prevent them from viewing your future activities and interactions.

Q: Can a user I block on Strava still interact with my public activities?

A: While they can view summaries of public activities, such as a leaderboard position, they cannot access detailed views or interact directly with your activities.

This content is designed to prioritize your understanding and ease of reading, enabling you to effectively manage your digital privacy on platforms like Strava. In keeping with the current trend, older product names were updated to maintain relevance and accuracy in this SEO-driven and reader-friendly article.

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