How to Schedule an Automatic Shutdown in Windows 10

Learn how to easily program an automatic shutdown on your Windows 10 computer, enhancing both energy efficiency and convenience.

Understanding how to schedule an automatic shutdown on your Windows 10 PC can be a valuable skill. Whether you’re looking to conserve energy, ensure your computer rests while you’re away, or manage time more effectively, this step-by-step guide will assist you in setting up your PC to shut down on a timer.

With technologies constantly evolving, this guide will also touch on the latest features of Windows 10 that streamline the shutdown process, making it more user-friendly than ever before.

Step-by-Step Guide to Scheduling Windows 10 Automatic Shutdown

Scheduling an automatic shutdown in Windows 10 is a straightforward process and can be achieved in various ways. One of the most common methods is using the Command Prompt.

Scheduling Shutdown via Command Prompt

  • Press the Windows key, type “Command Prompt” in the search bar, and open the application.
  • In the Command Prompt window, input the command shutdown -s -t XXXX, substituting ‘XXXX’ with the number of seconds for the delay. For example, for an hour, you would type shutdown -s -t 3600.
  • Press Enter, and a notification will confirm the scheduled shutdown time. You can continue working as this will run in the background.
  • To restart instead, use the command shutdown -r -t XXXX, where ‘XXXX’ represents the delay in seconds before the restart.

Creating a Desktop Shutdown Shortcut

If scheduling shutdowns is a frequent need, creating a desktop shortcut simplifies the process:

  • Right-click on your desktop and go to ‘New’ > ‘Shortcut’.
  • Input the shutdown command with your preferred timing (e.g., shutdown -s -t 3600) in the dialog box and click ‘Next’.
  • Name your shortcut (e.g., “Shutdown in 1 Hour”) and finalize by clicking ‘Finish’.
  • Your new shortcut will appear on the desktop, and double-clicking it will activate the shutdown timer.
  • To have the option to cancel the timer, you can create a second shortcut with the command shutdown -a.


Auto-scheduling your PC to shutdown can be a powerful tool for managing your digital life. Windows 10 makes this process intuitive and adaptable to your schedule.


Q: How can I prevent my computer from shutting down if I accidentally activate the timer?

A: You can cancel a scheduled shutdown by opening the Command Prompt and inputting the command shutdown -a, which aborts the countdown.

Q: Is it possible to set my computer to shut down at the same time every day automatically?

A: Yes, you can use Windows Task Scheduler to create a recurring shutdown task. Set the trigger to the desired time and frequency for automatic daily shutdowns.

Your mastery of these functionalities ensures that your PC operates efficiently and in alignment with your personal or professional requirements, marking another step towards tech-savvy time management.

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