Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Windows 11 Laptop/PC

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on setting up a Windows 11 Laptop or PC. Whether you’re a computer enthusiast or a first-time user, this article is designed to provide you with an effortless installation experience. We’ve recently updated this guide with the latest tips and tricks for a smooth Windows 11 setup.

Introduction to Windows 11 Installation

Windows 11 has brought a new horizon of features and improvements to the Microsoft operating system lineup. Setting it up correctly is the key to enjoying all the benefits it has to offer.

Easy Ways to Install Windows 11 Without Internet

In scenarios without immediate internet access, it’s still possible to install Windows 11 on your laptop or PC. This section will guide you through various methods to bypass the need for an online connection during the installation process.

Method 1: Disabling the Network Connection Flow

  • At the ‘Let’s connect you to a network’ screen, press SHIFT + F10 to open a Command Prompt window.
  • In the Command Prompt, type taskmgr and hit Enter to open Task Manager.
  • Switch to ‘More details’ in the Task Manager for the full view.
  • Locate and select the ‘Network connection flow‘ process, then click ‘End task‘.
  • After closing Task Manager and Command Prompt, the setup will progress to the next step automatically.

Method 2: Releasing IP Configuration

  • Press SHIFT + F10 at the ‘Let’s connect you to a network’ screen to summon Command Prompt.
  • Type ipconfig /release and enter to release your IP configuration.
  • Once you close the Command Prompt, Windows will skip the step requiring internet and move forward.

Method 3: Closing the Connection Prompt

Some users reported that pressing ALT + F4 might close the Internet connection screen on certain versions of Windows 11, allowing you to proceed. However, this is less reliable in newer updates.

Method 4: Restart to Skip Networking Step

Simply restarting your device at the ‘Let’s connect you to a network’ screen may prompt the setup to continue with the next steps, such as creating a local user account.


Settling into your new Windows 11 system should now be a breeze following these methods. We wish you a seamless experience as you explore all the functionalities of your newly installed operating system.


Q: Can I use these methods for both Windows 11 Home and Pro?

A: Yes, these methods are typically applicable for installing both versions of Windows 11.

Q: What if these procedures do not work on my device?

A: If you encounter issues, ensure your installation media is up to date or seek out additional support online or from a professional technician.

In this guide, we’ve strived for clarity and simplicity to ensure that even the most novice users can set up Windows 11 with confidence. Share this article to help others in their tech endeavors, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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