Hide Menu Bar Icons on Mac with Vanilla – A Simple and Effective Solution

If your Mac menu bar is cluttered with too many icons, you’ll love Vanilla, a free utility that allows you to hide menu bar icons. With Vanilla, you can create a collapsible and expandable shelf in the menu bar to keep your icons organized and out of sight when you don’t need them.

Vanilla offers a great alternative to hiding the entire menu bar on your Mac. It gives you the option to hide certain icons while still keeping them easily accessible behind the Vanilla arrow buttons. This way, you can maintain the visibility and functionality of the icons you use frequently.

Installing Vanilla is a breeze:

  1. Download Vanilla from Mathew Palmer’s website (it’s free, but there are paid options available).
  2. Launch the Vanilla application.
  3. Hold down the Command key and drag the menu bar icons you want to hide to the Vanilla section of the menu bar.
  4. Click the arrow icons to expand or collapse the Vanilla shelf and reveal or hide the icons.

Vanilla is a simple yet incredibly useful third-party utility that should be a built-in feature of MacOS. It provides a clean and organized solution for managing your menu bar icons.


Q: Can I restore all the menu bar icons if I decide I don’t like Vanilla?

A: Yes, simply close the Vanilla app, and all the menu bar icons will return to their original positions, no longer hidden.

Q: How do I add or remove items from the Vanilla hidden icons menu bar?

A: To add or remove items, hold down the Command key and drag them in or out of the Vanilla section of the menu bar.

Vanilla is a free and easy-to-use tool that improves your Mac user experience by decluttering the menu bar. Try it out and enjoy a cleaner, more organized workspace.

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