How to Enable Dark Mode on Google Maps for iPhone

As an iPhone user, you’re in for a treat! Google Maps has introduced a dark mode feature that’s not only aesthetically pleasing but also kinder to your eyes in low-light conditions. Let’s take a stroll through the process of turning on Google Maps Dark Mode on your iPhone.

Understanding Google Maps Dark Mode

Google Maps Dark Mode is a visually cool alternative to the traditional bright interface. It offers a dark-themed navigation experience that’s perfect for nighttime traveling or simply for users who prefer a darker color palette. This feature can also help conserve your iPhone’s battery life and minimize glare from the display.

Steps to Enable Google Maps Dark Mode on iPhone

Embrace the dark side in Google Maps by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch the Google Maps app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Tap on your profile image at the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Head over to ‘Settings’ in the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Scroll down and find ‘Appearance’ or the ‘Dark Mode’ setting, depending on the version.

Step 5: Here, you’ll have the option to toggle Dark Mode to ‘On,’ ‘Off,’ or set it to match your iPhone’s system settings with ‘Same as Device Settings.’

Step 6: Once activated, you’ll notice the interface adopting a sleek dark grey backdrop with lighter text and graphical elements to contrast.

Wrapping Up

Dark Mode in Google Maps is more than just a visual tweak; it’s about optimized visibility, battery savings, and a comfortable user experience during those late-night drives. Give your Maps a fresh look by going dark and if any questions remain, we’re here to help.


Q: Can I schedule when Dark Mode activates on Google Maps?

A: No, Google Maps doesn’t offer a schedule option for Dark Mode. However, you can set it to follow your iPhone’s system-wide appearance settings, which may be scheduled.

Q: Will using Dark Mode in Google Maps save my iPhone’s battery life?

A: Yes, Dark Mode can help reduce battery usage, especially on iPhones with OLED screens where true blacks are more power-efficient.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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