Enabling and Disabling Developer Mode in Windows 11: A Comprehensive Guide

Embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of your Windows 11 device, whether you are a seasoned developer or someone who’s curious about the inner workings of your PC. However, it’s important to highlight that Developer Mode is not necessary for general computer use, such as gaming or office tasks.

An Insight Into Developer Mode on Windows 11

Developer Mode in Windows 11 liberates developers from the restrictions of a regular user account, allowing the installation of apps from any source and enabling additional debugging capabilities vital for app development. Unlike Windows 8.1, where a separate developer license was required, Windows 11 simplifies the process with a straightforward activation of Developer Mode.

The activation of Developer Mode deploys essential components like the Windows Device Portal and SSH services, which facilitate remote installation and debugging of software. It’s crucial to understand the implications of these features for your system’s security before proceeding.

Steps to Enable Developer Mode in Windows 11

Activating Developer Mode should be a deliberate choice based on the need for advanced development features. Here’s how you can enable it in Windows 11:

  • Press the Windows key + I or navigate to Start → Settings to access System Settings.
  • Search for Settings using the taskbar if preferred, and open the application.
  • In Settings, click on “Privacy & Security” and then select “For Developers” on the right side of the screen.
  • Toggle the switch to activate Developer Mode and acknowledge the security warning by selecting ‘Yes’.
  • Should you also require Device Portal and Device Discovery features, enable these to facilitate development package installations.
  • Confirm the selections and enter the Device Portal credentials if necessary.
  • After the installation completes, a system restart will be needed for the changes to become effective.

Deactivating Developer Mode in Windows 11

  • To reverse the activation, return to the Start menu → Settings → Privacy and security → For developers and toggle the switch to the ‘Off’ position.
  • A restart will ensure these changes are appropriately reflected, returning your system to its standard user state.


Adjusting Developer Mode settings in Windows 11 should now be a hassle-free task, whether activating or deactivating the feature. Remember, this powerful mode is designed to advance the capabilities of developers and should be used with caution due to potential security risks.


Q: Why should I enable Developer Mode in Windows 11?

A: Developer Mode is intended for software developers who need to install and test applications not available in the Microsoft Store, enabling a wider range of development and debugging tools.

Q: Is it safe to enable Developer Mode on my Windows 11 device?

A: While Developer Mode enables greater flexibility for development tasks, it can expose your device to security risks. It’s recommended to proceed with caution and only if you have a clear need for the development features it offers.

By understanding and following these steps, you’re now equipped to manage Developer Mode. Feel free to revisit this guide whenever you need to activate or deactivate Developer Mode in Windows 11, ensuring your PC remains as secure and efficient as possible.

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