Expert Guide: Adding Friends on Telegram

Discover the ultimate guide on expanding your Telegram network by seamlessly adding new friends to your list. Whether you’re new to Telegram or seeking to enrich your experience, this guide is designed to walk you through every step with ease.

Dive into the nuances of making new connections on Telegram, a platform renowned for its robust security and versatile features. We’ll break down the process across various devices, ensuring you stay connected no matter where you are.

Enhance your understanding of Telegram’s latest friend-adding features, and take advantage of our tips to make your experience more enjoyable and efficient.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Contacts on Telegram

Telegram stands out with its user-centric design, offering multiple avenues to add contacts. Whether they’re already in your phone’s contact list or new to the platform, you’ll learn how to incorporate them into your Telegram circle effortlessly.

Add Contacts on Different Platforms

Regardless of your device, Telegram ensures a uniform experience. Below, we provide detailed instructions for adding contacts on the Mac, Windows (updating the reference to the most current Windows version), Android, and iPhone platforms, keeping you connected across all your devices.


For Mac users, adding new Telegram contacts is a swift process:

  • Open Telegram and select the ‘New Contact’ icon.
  • Enter the contact’s name and phone number, then click ‘Add’.

You’ll find your new contact readily available in your Telegram contact list.


Step into the world of Windows-based Telegram use with these simple steps:

  • Start Telegram and navigate to ‘Contacts’.
  • Click ‘Add Contact’ and fill in the relevant details.
  • Hit ‘Create’ to add them to your network.

Android and iPhone

Add contacts easily on your Android or iPhone:

  • Open the Telegram app and access your ‘Contacts’ menu.
  • Tap the ‘+’ icon and input the name and phone number.
  • Confirm by tapping the check mark (Android) or ‘Done’ (iPhone).

Connect with Telegram Users by Username

Bolster your Telegram friends list with ease using their unique usernames:

  • Utilize the search function within Telegram to locate their profile.
  • Start a chat and opt to ‘Add to Contacts’ from their profile page.

Your new connections are now a tap away, ready to join conversations and groups.

Embrace Proximity-Based Networking on Telegram

Telegram’s innovative ‘Nearby People’ feature streamlines adding local users. Explore how to connect with individuals and participate in nearby groups, increasing your exposure to like-minded Telegram enthusiasts in your vicinity.


Enrich your social circle and make the most of Telegram’s flexible contact-adding options. Whether you’re reaching out to existing friends or making new ones through proximity-based features, Telegram is designed to keep you connected.


Q: How can I find and add someone on Telegram without their phone number?

A: Use the search function to add them by their username.

Q: What should I do if I want to add someone nearby on Telegram?

A: Enable the ‘Add Nearby People’ feature and select a user from the list.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to having a thriving Telegram network, complete with the latest updates and features that enhance your chatting experience.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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