Mastering Shopify: A Complete Guide to Adding Multiple Product Variants

Shopify has become a game-changer for online retailers, and understanding how to effectively use its features can significantly enhance the shopping experience for your customers. In this guide, we delve into the process of adding multiple product variants on Shopify, a powerful function that enables your customers to view and select different colors, sizes, and other options within a single product page. By offering such variety, you not only cater to diverse preferences but also elevate the user experience. Follow these updated and simplified steps to expand your product offerings with ease.

Adding Product Variants on Shopify

Shopify makes it easy to provide customers with several options for a single product on the same product page. This flexibility can broaden your customer base and enhance their shopping experiences. Offering a rich selection of product variants is a surefire way to curry favor with your clientele.

Guidelines for Adding Variants to an Existing Product

Would you like to complement your existing product range with fresh variants? Follow these straightforward steps to accomplish this task efficiently:

Step 1: Select an Existing Product in Your Shopify Dashboard

Log into your Shopify account, navigate to the ‘Products’ section, and choose which product you wish to enhance with new variants. For instance, if you’re adding to your range of Leather Shoes, select that product to begin.

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Variant’ Section and Click ‘Add Variant’

Scroll to the ‘Variants’ section within the product details page and click on ‘Add Variant’ to create a new variant for your product.

Step 3: Define the Option Name for Your Variant

You can tailor the option name, which is ‘Size’ by default, to align with your product features, such as ‘Color’, ‘Material’, or ‘Style’.

Step 4: Input the Option Values for Your Variant

Enter the variants (e.g., Black, Brown, etc.) in the ‘Option value’ field, separating each with a comma. This will help shoppers to choose precisely what they want.

Step 5: Introduce Additional Variant Options

If your product differs in more than one dimension, click ‘Add another option’ and replicate the steps to include all necessary variants.

Step 6: Arrange the Variant Options

Specify which variants are available by ticking the checkboxes next to each. At this point, you can also adjust the Price, SKU, and Barcode for each variant as needed.

Step 7: Save Your Updated Variants

Once you’ve completed the setup, hit ‘Save’ to secure your newly added product variants in the Shopify system.

On mobile devices such as iPhone or Android, the process is similar: set new options for your product and add variants after creating all the options you need.

Conclusion: Streamlining Your Shopify Store

Enhancing your Shopify store with multiple product variants doesn’t have to be complicated. By following this guide, you should now be adept at expanding your product offerings, catering to a wider array of customer preferences, and potentially driving more sales. Should you encounter any confusion, don’t hesitate to reach out via our contact forum for further assistance. Embrace these strategies to ensure your store stays relevant and appealing to your customer base.


Q: What are the benefits of adding multiple variants to products on Shopify?

A: Adding multiple variants can improve customer satisfaction by offering more choices, potentially increase your sales by catering to various preferences, and help manage inventory more efficiently by tracking different variants separately.

Q: Can I customize option names for variants beyond just ‘Size’ and ‘Color’?

A: Yes, Shopify allows you to customize option names to suit the specific attributes of your products, such as ‘Material’, ‘Style’, or any other distinguishing feature relevant to your items.

Following the above steps, you’ll be well-equipped to tailor your Shopify store for better customer engagement, an optimized shopping experience, and ultimately, improved sales performance. Remember, keeping content SEO-friendly and reader-focused is key to success in the digital marketplace.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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