Integrate or Detach Linux in the Windows File Explorer Sidebar

Embark on an informative journey to learn how you can effortlessly integrate or detach Linux within the Windows File Explorer sidebar. This guide is crafted to ensure you can navigate this process with ease after our recent updates. For those who value clarity and simplicity, let’s delve into the Integrate or Detach Linux in the Windows File Explorer Sidebar tutorial. If this article enriches your understanding, feel free to share the knowledge with peers.

Seamlessly Navigating Linux Integration or Removal in File Explorer

The advent of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) brought groundbreaking capability to Windows 10 and the more recent iterations like Windows 11—running traditional Linux command-line utilities right beside your familiar Windows environment. Once you activate WSL, its access point seamlessly appears in the File Explorer’s navigation pane, making it readily accessible.

For direct interaction with your WSL distributions, ‘wsl$\‘ is your go-to command, where represents any active distribution. Instantly glimpse at all operational WSL distributions by selecting the associated shortcut in the navigation pane. If preferred, you can uncouple Linux from this view as WSL continues to run unhindered in the background.

Here’s How to Do It:

  • Decide between the addition (Step 2) or removal (Step 3) processes as detailed below.
  • To add Linux to the navigation pane:

A) Download the provided ‘Add_Linux_to_navigation_pane_in_File_Explorer_for_current_user.reg’ file, then progress to step 4.

  • To remove Linux from the navigation pane:

A) Fetch the ‘Remove_Linux_from_navigation_pane_in_File_Explorer_for_current_user.reg’ file from the link given below, proceeding to step 4.

  • Download and save the .reg file to your desktop.
  • Double-click the acquired .reg file to initiate a merge.
  • When prompted, click on Run, accept the UAC prompt, affirm with Yes, and then OK to finalize the merge.
  • Should File Explorer be active, restart it to witness the changes.
  • ‘Housekeeping’ tip: Feel free to eliminate the .reg file post-procedure.

Wrapping Up: Integrate or Detach Linux in the Windows File Explorer Sidebar

This roundup aimed to provide you with a straightforward guide on adding or removing Linux from the Windows File Explorer navigation pane. If there are still hazy areas, the contact forum is open for your queries related to this topic. Conversely, if you found clarity, help us reach out to others by sharing this insightful guide.


Q: How can I ensure that I am using the latest version of Windows compatible with WSL?

A: Make sure your Windows is up to date by checking for updates in the ‘Settings’ menu under ‘Update & Security’. Windows 11 and the latest updates of Windows 10 support WSL.

Q: What if I encounter errors while adding or removing Linux from the File Explorer navigation pane?

A: Ensure you’ve followed the steps precisely and that your account has administrative privileges. If issues persist, the Windows support page or community forums may provide additional assistance.

Please note that the actual .reg file links were not provided in the original content, and the mentioned ‘Linux’ here refers to WSL distributions which allow Linux environments to run on Windows.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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