Ultimate Guide to Customizing Quick Settings on Windows 11

Windows 11 has brought a fresh and intuitive approach to managing your computer’s most utilized settings through the Quick Settings feature. This guide will take you through the revamped process of adding, removing, or resetting Quick Settings in the latest operating system from Microsoft. Stay updated and streamline your user experience by mastering these handy tweaks.

Getting the Most Out of Windows 11 Quick Settings

The Quick Settings in Windows 11, an evolution of the Action Center in Windows 10, serves as a compact hub that aggregates essential system settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, and more. It brings enhanced user control and customizability to the forefront, aiming to maximize efficiency in your daily computing tasks. Let’s dive into how you can tailor Windows 11 Quick Settings to your preference.

How to Personalize Quick Settings in Windows 11

It’s simpler than ever to adjust commonly used settings on your PC with Quick Settings in Windows 11. Here’s how to personalize this toolbox to suit your workflow:

Adding Quick Settings

  • Press Windows Key + A to summon Quick Settings.
  • Tap the edit icon (shaped like a pencil) to modify your Quick Settings.
  • Select ‘Add’, then choose a setting from the available options to include it.
  • Organize your settings by dragging and dropping them within the Quick Settings area.
  • Once satisfied, click ‘Done’ to finalize your configurations.

Removing Quick Settings

  • Open Quick Settings again with Windows Key + A.
  • Hit the pencil icon to edit.
  • To remove a setting, click the unpin button beside it.
  • Rearrange as needed, and click ‘Done’ to complete the process.

Troubleshoot the Missing Pencil Icon

Upgraded from Windows 10 and can’t find the pencil icon in Quick Settings? Fear not, you can restore it by tweaking the Registry Editor. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAction CenterQuick Actions and clear the relevant registry key on the right panel.

Resetting Quick Settings to Default

If Quick Settings is acting up, or you simply wish to revert to the original setup, resetting is straightforward:

  • Open the Run dialog with Windows Key + R.
  • Type notepad and launch it to begin drafting a reset script.
  • Copy the following command into Notepad: REG DELETE "HKCUControl PanelQuick Actions" /F
  • Save this document as a batch file (e.g., ResetQuickSettings.bat) and execute it to reset your Quick Settings.

Performing these tasks supports better organization and quicker access to essential tools, enhancing productivity and making for a smoother Windows 11 experience.


This tutorial has delved into enriching your Windows 11 journey by customizing Quick Settings to align with your personal preferences. With these insightful steps, your most accessed settings are just a click away, fine-tuned for your convenience.


Q: How can I access the Action Center in Windows 11?

A: You can open Quick Settings (previously known as the Action Center) by selecting the network, battery, or volume icon on the taskbar, or by pressing Windows Key + A. For touchscreens, simply swipe from the right edge of the screen.

Q: What should I do if my Quick Settings won’t open or the edit button is missing in Windows 11?

A: For issues with Quick Settings not opening or missing buttons, consider resetting your Quick Settings to default using the aforementioned registry edit and batch file method. This will often resolve such glitches.

We hope this guide has empowered you to tweak Windows 11 Quick Settings for an optimized computing environment. Embrace these changes and enjoy a more personalized and efficient Windows 11 experience!

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