How to Keep Track of Time Across the World with Windows 10

Whether for personal connections or global business dealings, staying in sync with different time zones can be crucial. Thankfully, Windows 10 offers a nifty feature for adding multiple clocks, making it simple to keep track of time globally. Let’s go through the steps to customize your Windows 10 setup with additional time zone displays.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Multiple Time Zone Clocks

  • Begin by clicking the Start button on your taskbar and selecting ‘Settings’.
  • Choose the ‘Time & Language’ option.
  • Scroll to find and select “Add clocks for different time zones” within the ‘Date & Time’ settings.
  • In the ‘Additional Clocks’ tab, check the ‘Show this clock’ option for both clock one and clock two.
  • For each clock, pick your desired time zone from the dropdown menu and label them with a recognizable city or country name.
  • Finalize your settings by clicking ‘Apply’.

Expanding Your Horizons: More Clocks with the Alarms & Clocks App

  • Navigate to the Alarms & Clock app by clicking the Start and searching for it, then select the ‘Clock’ tab within the app.
  • Click the ‘+’ icon in the bottom-right and type the location you want to add in the search bar.

With these additional clocks set up, you can simply hover over or click the clock in the system tray to view the different time zones. By default, Windows 10 supports up to three clocks: one for your local time and two additional time zones. The Alarms & Clocks app provides an opportunity to add even more!

FAQs: Mastering Multiple Time Zones in Windows 10

Is there a limit to how many clocks I can display in Windows 10?

In the system tray, you can display your local time plus two additional time zones, but within the Alarms & Clocks app, you can keep track of as many as you need.

How can I remove an extra time zone clock in Windows 10?

To remove an extra clock, simply head to the ‘Additional Clocks’ settings in ‘Time & Language,’ uncheck the ‘Show this clock’ box for the unwanted time zone, and click ‘OK’.

Is it possible to see a second time zone on my taskbar?

Yes, by adding additional clocks in the settings, you can have up to two different time zones appear when you click on the taskbar clock.

Can I customize the clock display style on the taskbar in Windows 10?

Windows 10 doesn’t currently offer direct customization for the clock display font or size on the taskbar.


Managing time zones need not be a daunting task. With Windows 10’s handy features, you can easily monitor the time across different parts of the world directly from your desktop. Should you have further inquiries or require assistance, our contact forum is always open. Make the most of your Windows 10 experience and never miss an important moment, wherever it may occur in the world!

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