Mastering Product Arrangement in Your Shopify Store

Creating an impeccable online store on Shopify involves more than just listing your products; it’s about presenting them in a way that entices your customers and enhances their shopping experience. A well-organized store can significantly impact sales, as it helps customers find what they’re looking for with ease and even discover products they didn’t know they wanted. Below, you’ll learn how to finesse your product arrangement for a smoother, more appealing browsing environment.

Understanding Product Sequencing on Shopify

Have you ever visited a Shopify store and noticed how some products catch your eye more than others? That’s no accident; it’s the result of thoughtful product sequencing. Whether you’re about to launch your store or looking to refine an existing one, mastering the order of your products is key to engaging and keeping your audience’s attention.

Dive into the nuances of product placement, and find out how to strategically position your wares for maximum impact and conversion. We’ll explore the benefits of manual ordering versus automated sorting and how to apply the latest e-commerce strategies to your Shopify collections.

Step-by-Step Guide to Customizing Your Product Display

By default, products in a Shopify collection are sorted alphabetically, but you have the power to rearrange them in a way that resonates with your marketing strategy and customer preferences. Consider the array of sorting options at your disposal:

  • Sort by price: high to low or low to high
  • Sort by date: new arrivals first or highlighting vintage collections
  • Bestselling: reflecting up-to-date consumer trends

It’s important to remember that the “bestselling” rank is calculated based on the frequency a product has been part of orders in the last 30 days. This calculation refreshes every week, allowing dynamic updates to reflect shopping patterns.

To modify the product order, here’s what you need to do:

  1. In your Shopify admin panel, navigate to Products > Collections.
  2. Select the collection you wish to reorganize.
  3. Within the Products section, open the Order dropdown menu.
  4. Choose your preferred sorting method.
  5. For manual arrangement, drag and drop products to your liking.
  6. Click Save to apply your changes.


Having a commanding grasp of product arrangement on Shopify can revolutionize the way customers interact with your store. This guide is designed to make the process as smooth as possible, allowing you to craft a user-friendly and inviting storefront. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a satisfying and compelling shopping environment that converts browsing into sales.


Q: How do I prioritize new arrivals in my Shopify store?

A: You can set your collection to sort by date, showcasing the newest products first. This encourages customers to check out your latest merchandise.

Q: Can I feature best-selling products to boost sales?

A: Absolutely. Select the “bestseller” sort option to automatically display your popular items, leveraging their success to attract more sales.

This refreshed content ensures you have the most current information and tips to effectively manage your Shopify store’s product arrangement. We strive to create SEO-friendly, engaging content for all users seeking to enhance their online business.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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