How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11

This tutorial is about How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11. Recently I updated this tutorial and will try my best so that you understand this guide. I hope you guys like this blog, How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11. If your answer is yes after reading the article, please share this article with your friends and family to support us.
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Check How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11

Windows offers many ways to take a screenshot. To take a screenshot, all you have to do is press WIN + PRTSC or Fn + PRTSC and you’ll have an instant screenshot. There’s even a built-in tool called Snip & Sketch that lets you capture a section of a window, as well as popup menus. However, all of these methods only allow you to capture content that is within the dimensions of the browser’s viewport. What if you want to capture a screenshot of a scrolling window of a web page, document, or other content that is outside the viewable area? In such cases, your only option is to use a third-party app. So instead of just capturing the visible part of a folder, web page, or window, you can take a long screenshot that captures its entire content.

You need to select the area where the scrolling will start, and then auto-scrolling of the selected window will start to capture the full screenshot. To do that, we’ve covered some of the best free tools to take a scrolling screenshot. While there are many ways to take a screenshot in Windows, it’s not possible to take a screenshot beyond the visible portion of a web page or window using built-in features. That’s why we created this list, which includes tools that can be used to take scrolling screenshots of a specific window.

How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot in Windows 10/11

To take a full screen or scrolling screenshot on a Windows 10/11 device, we will use a third-party tool called PicPick. It is a powerful screen capture and image editing software developed by NGWIN.

  • Download PicPick software by visiting the official website. After downloading the file, install the software.
  • To take a scrolling screenshot, press and hold the Ctrl + Alt keys together, then press PRTSC. You will now see a rectangular box highlighted in red.
  • Now hold down the left mouse button and then drag your mouse over the scroll window to select the area.
  • Release the mouse click and it will auto-scroll slowly. A screenshot of the entire window will be captured in a few seconds.
    • PicPick offers seven screenshot modes, including Full Screen, Active Window, Window Control, Scroll Window, Region, Fixed Region, and Freehand. Another good thing about the software is that it is free for personal use.

Final remarks: How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11

I hope you understand this article, How to Capture a Scrolling Screenshot on Windows 10/11. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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