How to Customize the Default Folder Name in Windows 11 and Windows 10

Are you tired of the generic “New Folder” label every time you create a directory in Windows? Well, with a bit of registry magic, you can set the stage for your creativity. Customizing the default folder name in Windows 11 and Windows 10 can optimize your file organization and add a touch of personalization to your digital workspace.

Step-By-Step Guide to Rename Default New Folders in Windows

Let’s dive into a simplified process of how you can swap out that bland “New Folder” for something more vibrant or systematic:

  • Firstly, bring up the Registry Editor by hitting “Win + R”, typing “regedit”, and pressing Enter. Navigate through the hierarchy to this path: ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer.
  • Create a new subkey by right-clicking on “Explorer”, selecting “New”, and then “Key”. Name this newborn key “NamingTemplates”.
  • Within “NamingTemplates”, right-click in an open area, go for “New” followed by “String Value”. Christen your value as “RenameNameTemplate” and double-click it for editing.
  • Enter your desired default name in the editor window. Inject a dose of the old by including “% s” into your custom name, which will append the count number to your chosen string. Place this wildcard before or after your desired name based upon your naming convention.
  • Complete the process by clicking “OK”, sealing the deal on your new default folder name settings.


Q: How do I revert to the classic “New Folder” as the default name?

A: To revert your changes, simply repeat the steps but set the value of “RenameNameTemplate” to “New Folder” or delete the “NamingTemplates” subkey you created.

Q: What precautions should I take when editing the Windows registry?

A: Always back up the registry beforehand, as improper edits can cause system instability. Proceed with edits only if you’re comfortable with the process or seek expert assistance.


Altering the default naming scheme for new folders in Windows 11 and Windows 10 is a great way to put a personal stamp on your file system. By delicately handling the Registry Editor, custom folder names are just a few clicks away. Enjoy your newly customized digital environment!

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