How to Easily Update Your Windows 11 PC Name

Whether you’re setting up a new machine or revamping an existing one, customizing your Windows 11 computer with a distinctive name can enhance your experience. Renaming your device can be achieved through several user-friendly methods, and this guide aims to walk you through each step with ease.

Simple Methods to Personalize Your Windows 11 Computer Name

There are multiple avenues for renaming your PC in Windows 11, including Settings, System Properties, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. Follow the detailed steps below to give your PC a fresh identity:

Via Windows Settings:

  • Access “Settings” with the shortcut keys Win + I.
  • Navigate to “System” and locate “About”; click on “Rename this PC” situated beneath the existing computer name.
  • In the prompt that appears, key in your desired PC name.
  • Hit “Next” and select “Restart Now” to finalize the naming process.

From the “About” Section:

  • Go to Settings, choose “System,” then click on “About.”
  • You’ll see a “Rename this PC” button adjacent to the current PC name—click on it.
  • After inputting the new name in the provided field, a system restart will apply the change.

Through System Properties:

  • Invoke the “Run” dialog with Win + R.
  • Type sysdm.cpl into the box and press Enter.
  • Select the “Change” option and enter your preferred PC name.
  • Execute a computer restart to apply the new settings.

Using Command Prompt:

  • Launch Command Prompt as an Administrator.
  • Enter the command: wmic computersystem where name=”%computername%” call rename name=”” (Replace with your chosen name).
  • Acknowledge by pressing Enter, and then reboot your PC.

Via PowerShell:

  • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
  • Type the command: Rename-Computer -NewName “NewName” (replace “NewName” with the name you want).
  • Conclude with a system restart to complete the renaming process.

Helpful Tips Before Renaming Your PC:

To ensure a smooth renaming process on Windows 11, here are a few pointers:

  • Administrative privileges are necessary to change your PC’s name.
  • Stick to standard characters for the PC name: letters A-Z, digits 0-9, and the dash (-).
  • Avoid spaces and special characters such as `~!@#$%^&*(), and ensure the name isn’t solely numerical or longer than 15 characters.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: How do I find the current name of my Windows 11 computer?

A: Locate your PC’s current name by venturing into Settings -> System -> About, where the name is prominently displayed.

Q2: Does changing my PC’s name in Windows 11 have any impact on its operations?

A: Altering your PC’s name in Windows 11 is purely cosmetic and will not influence its performance or network operations. Remember to adhere to the naming conventions for a trouble-free experience.


Giving your Windows 11 PC a new name can personalize and streamline your digital environment. The procedures outlined in this guide are not only straightforward but also efficient in establishing your computer’s unique identity. Enjoy your newly named PC!

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