Guide to Installing OpenSSH Server on Windows with PowerShell

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on configuring the OpenSSH server on a Windows machine using PowerShell! The steps in this tutorial have been recently updated to align with the latest technological standards and improvements in the OpenSSH software. If you find this post useful by the end, please consider sharing it with others who might benefit from these insights on setting up OpenSSH on Windows.

Understanding the Configuration of OpenSSH Server on Windows through PowerShell

Renowned in the Linux sphere for many years, the OpenSSH project and the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol have more recently paved their way into the Windows landscape. Integrating OpenSSH into a Windows server isn’t as straightforward as on a Linux system. Windows servers require a specific setup to be SSH-ready.

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how to install the latest version of OpenSSH on Windows. This will include adjusting firewall settings and choosing among public key, password-based, and certificate-based authentication methods for securing your connection.

Installing OpenSSH on Windows

Step 1: Launch PowerShell with Admin Rights

Begin by starting PowerShell as an administrator. Click the “Start” button, scroll to “All Applications,” find the PowerShell folder, right-click on “PowerShell,” and select “Run as administrator.” You might see a User Access Control (UAC) prompt—please confirm to proceed.

Step 2: Install the OpenSSH Client

The OpenSSH client is utilized for making connections to an OpenSSH server. Begin by launching PowerShell and input the following command, then press Enter:

# Install OpenSSH Client
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~

A progress bar will display the installation status. Upon completion, the output should read:

Path :
Online : True
RestartNeeded : False

Step 3: Install the OpenSSH Server

To proceed with setting up the server that will run the OpenSSH service, use the command below in your PowerShell terminal:

# Install OpenSSH Server
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~

As the installation progresses, a progress bar will appear. Once finished, expect to see a similar output as after the client installation.

Final Thoughts: Configuring OpenSSH Server with PowerShell on Windows

With the guided steps above, you should now have a better grasp of setting up an OpenSSH server on your Windows system using PowerShell. This article aimed to provide clarity and simplicity in the installation process. If there are any remaining uncertainties or queries, please reach out through the contact form for further clarification. Sharing this article is much appreciated if you found it to be clear and helpful.


Q: Why would I need to install the OpenSSH Client on my Windows machine?

A: The OpenSSH Client allows your Windows device to initiate and establish secure shell connections to other devices or servers that have an OpenSSH Server configured, facilitating encrypted and safe communication.

Q: Is it necessary to reboot my Windows server after installing OpenSSH?

A: Typically, a reboot is not mandatory after installing OpenSSH. However, if other related system changes were made that could affect the SSH service, a restart might be advisable to ensure all services are running with the latest configurations.

Empower your server management skills and secure data transmission with the latest OpenSSH implementation for Windows, and be sure to keep your setup current for optimal performance and security.

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