Easily Save and Share Your Browser Session: How to Copy URLs from All Open Tabs

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s common to have numerous browser tabs open simultaneously. Whether you’re researching, comparison shopping, or deep diving into a new subject, keeping track of all these tabs can be a daunting task—especially when you need to shut down or restart your computer. Worry not, as this tutorial will guide you through the seamless process of copying the URLs from all your open tabs in various browsers so that you can easily resume your work later.

Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Your Browser Session

For Google Chrome, Vivaldi, and Opera Users

Those using browsers such as Google Chrome, Vivaldi, or Opera can benefit from handy extensions that simplify the URL copying process. Here are a couple of your best bets:

Using the TabCopy Extension

With TabCopy, you have the freedom to choose how URLs are copied, considering both the scope and format to fit your needs.

  • Click on the TabCopy icon to pull up its menu.
  • Make your pick: copy the current tab, all tabs in the current window, or across multiple windows.
  • Choose your format preference—Expanded, Compact, or as direct hyperlinks.
  • Paste this information into a document like Word or send it to yourself via email for later access.

Leveraging the Copy URL Extension

The Copy URL extension offers fine-tuned control over the URL copying process, allowing you to avoid system pages and customize the output format.

  • Select whether to grab URLs from all windows or just the current one.
  • Decide how the copied information should be formatted—there’s even a custom format option.
  • The preview section helps ensure you are capturing exactly what you need before confirming with “Copy to clipboard”.

For Mozilla Firefox Aficionados

Firefox users can rely on native settings or third-party plugins to corral their tabs into a manageable list. Here are two approaches:

Without Additional Plugins

You can ingeniously use the home page settings to copy URLs from all your tabs quickly and efficiently.

  • Go to Options and click the Home icon.
  • Make sure ‘Custom URLs’ is active under the ‘Homepage and new windows’ setting.
  • After saving any pre-existing homepage URLs, click ‘Use current pages’ to load all tab URLs, then copy and paste them as needed.

Using Tabs2txt or FoxyTab Plugins

Firefox offers plugins like tabs2txt and FoxyTab that make copying tab URLs a breeze, even adding extra tab-management features for the power user.

For Microsoft Edge Devotees

While Edge may not have a built-in feature or specific extension for this purpose, you can still utilize the Set Tabs Aside feature in Windows 10 to accomplish your goal:

  • Set aside the tabs you want to save and then access the tab overview pane.
  • Use the ‘Share tabs’ feature to send the URLs to an application that can save or manage them for you, like OneNote.

Concluding Your Browsing Adventures

By following the steps above, you’ll never have to worry about losing track of your internet exploration. With a few clicks, all your open tabs can be stored and shared, allowing for a seamless transition between browsing sessions.


Q: Can I copy URLs from my browser without using extensions?

A: Yes, in Firefox, you can use the built-in options under homepage settings, and in Edge, you can take advantage of the Set Tabs Aside feature.

Q: Is it possible to include the titles of the pages along with the URLs when copying?

A: Absolutely, many of the mentioned methods allow for copying both titles and URLs, depending on your format selection.

Utilizing these methods ensures that your session data remains intact and readily available for when you’re ready to dive back in. Your workflow remains uninterrupted and your precious time saved.

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