Guide to Creating a Bootable USB for Windows 11 on Legacy Systems

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you the steps to create a bootable USB drive that facilitates the installation of Windows 11 on systems without TPM and Secure Boot — often legacy systems with BIOS settings. Keep reading to learn how to get past the stringent system requirements of Windows 11 and enjoy its new features on older hardware.

Understanding the Necessity of Bootable USB for Windows 11

Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 11, has introduced more robust system requirements than its predecessors, leading to a need for workaround methods for machines lacking TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.0 and Secure Boot capability. This guide simplifies the process for such systems, ensuring they can too benefit from the advancements of Windows 11.

Diving into the technicalities, we’ll unravel the method to create installation media that bypasses these prerequisites, allowing you to run the latest Windows on hardware that Microsoft originally deemed unsuitable.

Create Windows 11 Install Media with No TPM or Secure Boot Requirement

  • Start by downloading the latest version of the Media Creation Tool designed to sidestep the standard system checks for TPM and Secure Boot.
  • Open the tool and select the option to either create an ISO for mounting and installation or a USB flash drive for direct booting.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create your Windows 11 installation media effectively.

Steps to Bypass TPM and CPU Checks for Windows 11 Installation

If you’ve encountered blockers like TPM 1.2 or an unsupported CPU, don’t worry. There’s a registry tweak that can help you bypass these checks:

  • Open the Windows Registry Editor and navigate to the specified path for system setup.
  • Within this location, create a new DWORD Value named ‘AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU’.
  • Assign a value of 1 to this registry entry, indicating that the setup should proceed despite incompatibilities.
  • For those less comfortable with manual edits, we offer registry files for download that apply the necessary changes with a simple double-click.
  • Once the registry is configured, reboot your system and run the Windows 11 Installation Wizard to upgrade your system.

Convenient Alternate Methods for Installing Windows 11

Accommodating the Windows 11 ISO

  • Obtain the Windows 11 ISO file from an official or reputable source to ensure a smooth installation.

Creating a USB Installer

  • Utilize a tool such as Rufus to create a bootable Windows 11 USB stick. This will require a simple restart of your machine where you’ll boot from the USB.
  • During restart, access your BIOS settings to allow booting from your USB device.

Final Touches in the Registry Before Installation

  • Boot from the USB and when faced with compatibility issues, employ the command prompt to modify the registry, circumventing the TPM and Secure Boot checks.
  • Create the necessary DWORD values within the ‘LabConfig’ on your registry to bypass TPM and Secure Boot checks.
  • Proceed with the installation process as normal, enjoying a hassle-free setup of Windows 11 on your previously incompatible hardware.


Concluding our guide, we’ve explored how to bypass restrictions and successfully install Windows 11 on systems without TPM and Secure Boot capabilities. With this knowledge, even older machines can take advantage of the feature-rich and secure experience of Windows 11.


Q: What is TPM, and why is it a requirement for Windows 11?

A: TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a secure crypto-processor designed to make your system more secure. It is a requirement for Windows 11 to ensure hardware-level security.

Q: Can I install Windows 11 on any PC regardless of its specifications?

A: Not always. Officially, Windows 11 requires specific hardware capabilities. However, creating a bootable USB with certain tweaks allows installation on older systems that do not meet all requirements.

Remember to stay updated with the latest from Microsoft, and as of my knowledge cutoff in March 2023, make sure the information provided resonates with the current state of technology. The details provided aim to equip you with the necessary insights to breathe new life into older hardware with Windows 11, delivering both security and modern features.

Enhancing Your PC with Windows 11: A User-friendly Guide

Upgrading to Windows 11 can be an exciting journey, offering a plethora of new features and enhancements for your computing enjoyment. In this guide, we smoothly walk you through the necessary steps to bring the cutting-edge experience of Windows 11 to your PC, without being limited by TPM or Secure Boot requirements.

Before diving into the installation process, we’ll take a closer look at the key preparatory steps. Familiarizing yourself with these measures ensures a smooth transition to Windows 11.

Then we’ll explore ‘[How to Create bootable USB drive with no TPM and no Secure Boot for Windows 11]’ further, breaking down the process step by step to simplify your tech journey. Stick with us as we integrate the latest insights, keeping you in sync with the current technological landscape.


In wrapping up, we believe this guide demystifies the process of installing Windows 11 on systems where TPM and Secure Boot might throw a wrench in your plans. Armed with this knowledge, you can now confidently navigate the upgrade path and enjoy the fresh functionalities that Windows 11 brings to the table.


Q: Can I still upgrade to Windows 11 if my PC doesn’t meet the official TPM and Secure Boot requirements?

A: Absolutely! Our guide outlines alternative methods such as creating a modified bootable USB drive to circumvent these restrictions.

Q: What are the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11 for users with older hardware?

A: Upgrading offers access to the latest security features, improved performance, and a refreshed user interface, enhancing your overall computing experience.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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