How to Create an Undeletable and Unrenamable Folder on Windows PC

Welcome to our guide on how to create an undeletable and unrenamable folder on your Windows PC. This tutorial has been recently updated to provide you with the latest information. We’re here to make sure you understand this process, so let’s get started! If you find this article helpful, please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and family.

Why Protect Your Folders on Windows PC?

When it comes to the Windows operating system, there are various security tools and features available to protect our files and folders from unauthorized access. You may already be familiar with software like Folder Lock, Password Folder, which allow you to lock and password-protect your folders and files. In this article, we’ll share a different trick for Windows users – how to create folders that cannot be deleted or renamed. This trick can be particularly useful if you want to share your computer or laptop with others.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Creating an Indelible Folder on Windows

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you on how to create a master folder that will protect your valuable files. Follow these steps to create a folder that cannot be deleted or renamed:

  • Open the Command Prompt (CMD). You can do this by going to the Start menu or Run menu and typing CMD, or you can press the Windows Key + X and select Command Prompt.
  • In the Command Prompt, type the drive letter where you want your undeletable folder to be located (e.g., E:). Press Enter. Note that you can only create this folder on non-rooted drives like D, E, F, G, etc. It cannot be created on the C: drive because that is where your Windows OS is installed.
  • Type “md [folder name]” and press Enter. Here, “md” stands for “Make Directory.” You can use any name for the folder, just make sure it sounds natural.

Now, you have successfully created a new folder on the specified drive. Open the Windows Explorer to see it for yourself. Try deleting or renaming the folder. You’ll notice that you cannot rename or delete it. This folder is now your own secure archive, protecting your files from being accidentally removed or modified.

Deleting or Renaming an Undeletable Folder

If, for some reason, you need to delete or rename the folder you created, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Start menu and click on Run.
  • Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  • Type the drive letter where you created your undeletable folder (e.g., D: or E:), and press Enter.
  • Type “rd [folder name]” and press Enter. Here, “rd” stands for “remove directory.” Again, use the same folder name you used when creating the folder.
  • If you used reserved keywords like aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, up to lpt9 instead of a common name, simply type that keyword.
  • Open the Windows Explorer, and you’ll find that the folder has been successfully deleted or renamed.

More Interesting Info

Creating undeletable and unrenamable folders on your Windows PC can be a practical way to protect your files and keep them secure. However, it’s important to remember that this method only provides a limited level of security. If you need more advanced protection, consider using dedicated software or encryption tools.

Stay up to date with the latest tech updates and explore more exciting features and tricks to enhance your Windows experience. And always remember, happy computing!

Thank you for reading this article on how to create an undeletable and unrenamable folder on your Windows PC. We hope you found it helpful and easy to understand. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family to show your support. Stay tuned for more insightful content!

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