Guide to Personalizing Your ClassDojo Avatar

Welcome to the updated guide on personalizing your ClassDojo avatar! This walkthrough aims to help educators, students, and parents dive into the delightful world of customization within ClassDojo. By the end of this guide, users will have a clear understanding of how to express their unique styles through their avatars. Share the joy of creativity by personalizing your ClassDojo avatar with your community, and may it enhance your educational experience.

Personalize Your ClassDojo Experience

ClassDojo offers a colorful way to make your experience more vibrant by allowing users to customize their own avatars. Whether you’re accessing ClassDojo via a web browser or the latest version of its iOS or Android app, the customization process is straightforward and fun. Remember, the aim here is to reflect your unique personality in your ClassDojo avatar!

Updating Your Avatar in ClassDojo

Web Version

  • Login to your ClassDojo account.
  • Click on “Customize Monster” to access the avatar editor.
  • Unleash your creativity and personalize your avatar to your liking.
  • Once you’re happy with your design, hit “Save” to update your profile.

Mobile App Process

iOS & Android

  1. Launch your ClassDojo app and go to your class view.
  2. Tap the monster icon on your report page.
  3. Choose the desired changes and preview your new avatar in action.
  4. Confirm your selection with the blue checkmark to save your updated avatar.

Special Avatar Privileges

It’s important to note that if a student personalizes their avatar upon account confirmation by their parents, only the student will have the authority to update or change their avatar in the future. This feature allows students to maintain control over their digital representation within the ClassDojo platform.


In conclusion, personalizing your avatar in ClassDojo is not just a fun activity but also a fantastic way to engage with the platform’s community. This updated guide has shown how simple it is for students and teachers to express themselves through their avatars on ClassDojo. With just a few clicks, your personal touch can shine through, making your ClassDojo experience even more enjoyable and personalized. Have fun designing!


Q: Can parents customize their child’s ClassDojo avatar?

A: Parents can guide their children in creating their avatars, but once the student’s account is created and verified, only the student can make changes to their avatar to ensure it’s a personal reflection of themselves.

Q: Are there any restrictions on how often an avatar can be changed in ClassDojo?

A: There are no restrictions; students and teachers can update their avatars as often as they like to keep their profile fresh and up-to-date.

Let this guide empower you to infuse your personality into your ClassDojo avatar and further enrich your educational journey.

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