Mastering the Removal of Hyperlinks in Microsoft Word

Welcome to our updated guide on erasing hyperlinks from your Microsoft Word documents! With a renewed focus on streamlining your document editing and ensuring a distraction-free reading experience, we bring you the latest tips. Whether you’re formatting a professional report or crafting a personal project, these techniques will empower you to maintain the purity and presentation of your text.

Hyperlinks in Microsoft Word documents can be a hindrance when prepping your text for final output. They may distract readers or lead them away from the document. Fortunately, Word offers simple solutions to eliminate unwanted links without altering the core text. Here’s how.

Often, only a single link or a few need removal to perfect your document:

  • Begin by opening the Word file and locating the linked text.
  • Hover over the hyperlink, right-click, and select ‘Remove Hyperlink’ from the context menu for a quick fix.

Mac users: access the ‘Remove Hyperlink’ feature under the ‘Link’ option after the right-click.

Removing hyperlinks en masse is a time-saver, especially when dealing with extensive data imports:

  • Open your Word document and highlight the text or press “Ctrl + A” (‘Cmd + A’ for Mac) to select all content.
  • Apply the following shortcuts to strip all hyperlinks: “Ctrl + Shift + F9” (or “Cmd + 6” on Mac).

Some devices may require the ‘Fn’ key in combination for function keys to work. If the initial shortcut doesn’t respond, try including ‘Fn’ in your keystroke sequence.

Prevent auto-linking during pasting by selecting paste options that strip formatting or use quick access toolbar adjustments to maintain plain text:

  • Post-copying the desired text, open your Word document and click the ‘Paste’ dropdown under the ‘Home’ tab.
  • Select ‘Keep Text Only’ to paste plain unlinked text.

Total Disabling of Auto-Linking

To prevent automatic hyperlinking in Word:

  • Access the ‘File’ tab, select ‘Options’, and navigate to ‘Proofing’.
  • Click ‘AutoCorrect Options’, switch to the ‘AutoFormat As You Type’ tab, and uncheck ‘Internet and network paths with hyperlinks’.
  • Press ‘OK’ to confirm your preference.


Eliminating hyperlinks does not need to interrupt your workflow. With these effortless strategies, editing your Word documents to remove unwanted hyperlinks is quick and straightforward.


Q: How can I quickly remove a single hyperlink without affecting text formatting?

A: Simply right-click on the hyperlink and select ‘Remove Hyperlink’ from the menu.

Q: Is it possible to erase all hyperlinks in a Word document simultaneously?

A: Yes, use “Ctrl + A” to select all text, then “Ctrl + Shift + F9” to remove all hyperlinks at once.

We hope this guide enhances your Word processing experience, ensuring your documents reflect nothing but professionalism and clarity.

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Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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