Maximizing Your PC’s Performance: How to Automatically Remove Unnecessary Installation Files

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on maintaining a clean and efficient computer system. Staying on top of unnecessary file clutter is essential for optimal performance. In this article, we will delve into the straightforward process of automatically deleting installation files to free up precious storage space.

Streamlining Your System: A Guide to Deleting Extraneous Files

Windows is notorious for accumulating files that, over time, can consume substantial disk space. Deleting these files is not just about freeing up space—it’s also about enhancing your system’s performance by removing unnecessary bloat. We will navigate the various types of deletable files and explain why it’s beneficial to remove them. Remember that some files reside in protected system areas; proceed with caution when deleting them.

Below, you’ll find an overview of different types of files and folders that you can safely remove from Windows to improve your system’s efficiency and free up storage space.

What You Can Safely Expunge via Disk Cleanup

The Disk Cleanup utility is a powerful tool in Windows, and though not exhaustive here, several options are particularly straightforward for free space recovery. Remember to click on ‘Clean up system files’ to view the complete list:

  • Windows Update Cleanup: This option eliminates outdated Windows Update files. In most scenarios, they’re safe to delete, though they might be worth keeping if you’re troubleshooting update issues.
  • Windows Update Log Files: These files log Windows Update events and are useful for diagnosing update or installation snags. If Windows updates have been smooth, these log files can safely be discarded.
  • Language Resource Files: If you have additional language packs or keyboard layouts you no longer use, this setting will clean them out.
  • Recycle Bin: Although accessible through its own interface, the Recycle Bin can also be emptied here. Ensure you’ve reviewed its contents and salvaged necessary files before doing so.
  • Temporary Files: True to their name, these files aren’t needed over the long term and thus can be removed with peace of mind.

Now, let’s advance to specifics about purging unnecessary files from your Windows 10 or 11 system.

1. Disabling Hibernation to Remove Hiberfile.sys

When your PC goes into hibernation, it saves all open work to the hard drive and shuts down completely. While hibernation can be a useful feature, it also requires substantial disk space for the hibernation file (hiberfil.sys).

If hibernation is not part of your workflow, turning it off is straightforward. Opening Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator and executing powercfg.exe /hibernate off will disable hibernation and remove the associated file. As a consequence, you will also disable fast startup, which might actually be beneficial due to its potential for causing issues.

2. Cleaning Out the Temporary Folders

Windows temporary files—or ‘temp files’—no longer serve any purpose once their initial use is concluded. Even though Disk Cleanup can deal with these, feel free to visit the temporary folder and clear its contents manually for direct housekeeping.

3. Managing the Recycle Bin

Windows’ Recycle Bin serves as a holding area for files awaiting permanent deletion. Given its purpose, it can often become a repository for large amounts of data. Be sure to periodically check and empty the Recycle Bin, keeping an eye out for files you may wish to recover.

4. The Windows.old Folder Cleanup

Post-update, Windows saves your old system files in a folder named Windows.old. While these serve as a safety net for file recovery after an update, they are also quite large. After verifying that everything is functioning correctly post-update, you can use Disk Cleanup to safely dispose of this folder.

5. Downloaded Program Files

Last but certainly not least, the Downloaded Program Files folder occasionally holds onto outdated ActiveX controls and Java applets used for Internet Explorer. With the diminished usage of IE and these components, you can typically delete these files without issue.


In conclusion, knowing how to responsibly clean up installation files and other system bloat is paramount for keeping your PC in peak condition. By following this guide, you’ll ensure your system is lean, mean, and primed for performance.


Q: How does removing these files affect my computer’s performance?

A: Deleting unnecessary files can help your computer run smoother and faster, as it frees up disk space and reduces system clutter. This means quicker access to files and potentially better system response times.

Q: Is it safe to delete the Windows.old folder?

A: Yes, it’s safe to delete the Windows.old folder using Disk Cleanup after you’re certain that your system is running well following an update. However, this folder is important for file recovery immediately post-update, so it’s good practice to wait a few days before removing it.

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Understanding Your System: A Guide to Cleaning Up

Keeping your computer organized is key to maintaining its performance. Let’s dive into the world of system maintenance and discover how to streamline your storage for a more efficient experience.

The first major aspect to consider is the type of files that can impact your system’s efficiency. Redundant or outdated files like Internet Explorer ActiveX controls or Java applets are often unnecessary on modern systems. We’ll look at why and how to manage them.

Another vital point covers the rationale behind certain system directories, such as the LiveKernelReports folder, and the significant—but potentially large—files it contains.

Last but not least, let’s unravel the mysteries of the ‘Rempl‘ folder and its role in Windows 10 updates. This section will clarify its purpose and whether it’s safe and advisable to remove it from your system.


In sum, understanding your system’s file structure and cleaning up accordingly can lead to a boost in performance and efficiency. Ultimately, ensuring your folders like ‘Downloaded program files’ are tidy and up-to-date contributes to a smoother computing experience.


Q: What are Internet Explorer ActiveX controls and do I still need them?

A: ActiveX controls are outdated technologies used for interactive web content in Internet Explorer, which is now largely obsolete. Most users won’t need these files and can safely remove them unless they access specific corporate sites requiring them.

Q: What should I do with large DMP files in the LiveKernelReports folder?

A: DMP files are dump files used to troubleshoot system issues. If your system is functioning well, they can be removed to free up space. It’s recommended to use Disk Cleanup for safe deletion instead of manual removal. Keep them if you are currently troubleshooting.

Note: For readers seeking guidance on modern technology, replacing terms like “Windows 8” or “iPhone 8” with the latest versions, such as “Windows 11” or “iPhone 13/14”, is essential to ensure the information is current and relevant.

Regardless of the topic, the goal is to guide readers through modern tech complexities clearly and enjoyably. By addressing these points, we aim to create quality content that educates and engages, maintaining a balance between SEO needs and genuine reader value.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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