Streamlining Your PC Startup: Turning Off Spotify Autostart

Discover how to improve your computer’s boot time by preventing Spotify from launching automatically. This guide is updated to ensure you get the most relevant information, making your PC use as efficient as possible. Here, you’ll learn how to tweak Spotify settings for a better startup experience.

Revamp Your PC Boot: Stopping Spotify From Autostarting

While having Spotify promptly available when you turn on your PC sounds ideal, it can prolong your device’s boot time. Let’s dive into how you can disable Spotify’s autostart feature, allowing for a swifter startup. This quick fix will streamline your Windows experience and give your machine a performance boost.

Method 1: Via Spotify Settings

  • Open Spotify.
  • Navigate to “Edit” > “Preferences” in Windows, or “Spotify” > “Preferences” on macOS.
  • At the bottom, click on “Show Advanced Settings“.
  • Scroll to the “Startup and Window Behaviour” section.
  • Under “Automatically open Spotify after logging into the computer“, select “No” from the dropdown menu.

The changes are saved instantly. You should now notice that Spotify doesn’t launch on its own when you start your computer. Additionally, disable the “SpotifyWebHelper” within the same settings if you don’t need Spotify to start from web pages by turning “Allow Spotify to be opened from the web” to “Off“.

Method 2: Through Task Manager in Windows

  • Right-click on the taskbar and choose “Task Manager“.
  • Open the “Startup” tab.
  • Right-click “Spotify” and then select “Disable“.


That’s it! You’ve now mastered two different methods to stop Spotify from automatically starting up with your PC. This simple alteration can lead to a more pleasant computing experience with faster load times.


Q: Why should I disable Spotify’s automatic startup feature?

A: Disabling Spotify’s autostart feature can significantly quicken your PC’s boot time, ensuring a more efficient and productive start to your computer usage.

Q: Will disabling Spotify on startup impact its functionality?

A: No, this adjustment only affects the startup process, and you can still use Spotify as usual once your PC is up and running.

Remember, keeping your guides up-to-date, clear, and beneficial helps maintain high reader engagement and search performance.

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