Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Tor Browser on Your Linux System

Ensuring privacy and security in the digital age is paramount. With the widespread concern over data breaches and surveillance, many people are turning to tools that help safeguard their online activities. The Tor Browser is a shining example of such a tool. Its design emphasizes privacy, helping users to browse the internet anonymously. In this guide, we delve into the process of downloading and setting up the Tor Browser on a Linux platform, guaranteeing that your online privacy is fortified.

Understanding the Tor Browser and Its Advantages

The Tor Project is celebrated for its commitment to internet privacy and the Tor Protocol is at the heart of its offerings. Using the Tor Browser, which is founded on Firefox, allows users to navigate the web with their identity concealed, as it routes traffic through the Tor network. The distinction from Firefox is stark; whereas Firefox displays user traffic openly, the Tor Browser ensures anonymity and protection from unwanted surveillance.

Simple Steps to Install the Tor Browser Using the Command Line

Installing the Tor Browser on a Linux system is made comfortable with the aid of the Tor Browser Launcher. This utility facilitates the process by automating several installation steps. Begin by visiting the Tor Project’s official download page to fetch the installation package for the latest Tor Browser version, then execute the following commands in the terminal.


  • wget[latest_version]/tor-browser-linux64-[latest_version]_en-US.tar.xz
  • tar -xvf tor-browser-linux64-[latest_version]_en-US.tar.xz
  • cd tor-browser_en-US/
  • chmod +x start-tor-browser.desktop
  • ./start-tor-browser.desktop


*Make sure to replace [latest_version] with the actual latest version number available from the Tor Project website.

Universal Tor Browser Installation with Flatpak

Flatpak is a universal packaging system that works across different Linux distributions. Regardless of your specific Linux flavor, Flatpak can streamline the installation of the Tor Browser Launcher. Installing Flatpak itself is the initial step, followed by adding the Flathub repository, which will allow access to the Tor Browser download.

Installing Flatpak

While Ubuntu and Linux Mint often have Flatpak pre-installed, you can verify its presence with the following command:


  • sudo apt install flatpak


For distributions where Flatpak isn’t included by default, installing it is as straightforward as running one of the following commands for your specific system:


  • For Fedora/Red Hat:

    sudo dnf install flatpak

  • For openSUSE:

    sudo zypper install flatpak

  • For Arch Linux:

    sudo pacman -S flatpak


Once Flatpak is installed, introduce the Flathub repository into the system using the following command:


  • flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub


To install the Tor Browser Launcher:


  • flatpak install flathub com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher


Launching and Utilizing the Tor Browser in Linux

Once installed, the Tor Browser Launcher is easily accessed with the command:


  • flatpak run com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher


Follow the on-screen prompts for the Tor Browser download and setup. If you face any issues, such as permission problems, a simple ownership or permission tweak can often resolve them. Once installed, choose “Connect” on the main screen to directly access the Tor network, or first configure your settings by selecting “Tor Network Settings.”

Final Thoughts: Securing Your Online Presence with Tor Browser on Linux

By following this guide, you can seamlessly install and launch the Tor Browser on your Linux system, ensuring your online activities remain private and shielded from prying eyes. If you have any inquiries or need further assistance with this tutorial, please reach out via the contact section. And if you found this information beneficial, share it with friends and family to help spread the word about online privacy!

**Note**: It is important to replace placeholder texts such as [latest_version] with actual values and commands that are relevant at the time of reading, to ensure the information remains current and actionable.

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