Streamlining Photo Editing in Photos for macOS

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to streamline your photo editing process using the Photos app on your Mac. This updated tutorial will not only enhance your editing skills but also save you valuable time. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast or need to polish up a batch of images for a project, mastering these techniques in the Photos app can be a game-changer.

How to Batch Edit Photos in the Photos App for macOS

Editing a multitude of photos one by one can be quite cumbersome, especially when they require the same adjustments like uniform cropping or watermarking. Thankfully, with a few tricks, you can apply edits to multiple images simultaneously, saving you from tedious repetitive work. While macOS’s Photos app doesn’t offer native batch editing, with our guidance, you’ll handle multiple photos effortlessly.

Imagine you’ve got a collection of snapshots that suffer from common issues such as underexposure, lackluster colors, or slight blurriness. Or perhaps you’d like to apply a signature filter to a series of photographs. By using the Photos app efficiently, you can tackle this head-on by selecting and editing multiple photos at once.

Efficiently Selecting Multiple Photos

To begin, launch the Photos app and navigate your collection. For consecutive images, click the first photo to select it, hold down the Shift key and click the last one to select the entire range. For non-consecutive shots, click the first photo, then hold down the Command key and click on additional photos to build your selection, each highlighted with a blue border.

Accessing the Editing Tools

While it’s true that the past version of the Photos app (previously known as iPhoto) allowed for editing up to four images at once, today’s process is slightly different. After you’ve picked your batch of photos, press Enter or opt for Image menu > Show Editing Tools to proceed.

Editing Your First Photo

The initial photo in your selection will appear with a variety of editing options on the right side. Utilize these tools to adjust the photo until you’re satisfied with the result. For instance, let’s say you convert an image to black and white.

After perfecting your edits, go to the Image menu and choose ‘Copy Adjustments’ to record the changes made to this photo.

Applying Adjustments Across Multiple Photos

With edit mode activated, the left and right arrow keys navigate through your selected photos. Press the right arrow key to advance to the subsequent photo, then tap Image > Paste Adjustments. You can also use keyboard shortcuts—Shift + Cmd + C to copy settings, and Shift + Cmd + V to paste them—to expedite the process.

Steps for Batch Editing in Photos:

  • Select your target photos.
  • Hit Enter to switch to edit mode.
  • Make adjustments to the first photo using the provided tools.
  • Press Shift + Cmd + C to copy the settings.
  • Press the right arrow key to move to the next photo in the sequence.
  • Press Shift + Cmd + V to paste the settings onto the next photo.
  • Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining photos.


We hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to edit multiple photos efficiently in the Photos app for macOS. Employing these techniques can incredibly streamline your editing workflow, allowing you to devote more time to capturing those perfect moments.


Q: What is the advantage of batch editing photos?

A: Batch editing saves time by applying the same adjustments to multiple photos at once, rather than editing each individually.

Q: Is it possible to undo changes after batch editing?

A: Yes, you can undo changes by selecting each photo and reverting to its original state within the Photos app.

Enjoy your newfound efficiency in photo editing, and don’t hesitate to reach out if any questions arise. Remember, sharing knowledge is just as vital as gaining it, so if you found this article helpful, pass it along to fellow Mac users!

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