How to Customize Your Smartphone’s Alarm Tone

Waking up to the same alarm sound every day can be monotonous, and sometimes it isn’t as effective as we’d like it to be. For a more personalized morning routine, learn how to change and tailor the alarm sound on your smartphone.

Personalizing Alarm Sounds on an iPhone

With the latest iOS version, upgrading from generic alarm sounds to something more to your taste is easy:

  • Launch the Clock app on your iPhone.
  • Head to the Alarm section and tap on the edit button next to the alarm you want to modify.
  • Press “Sound” and browse through the list to pick a new alarm tone.
  • Don’t forget to hit “Save” to enforce your new settings.

Switching Up Alarm Tones on an Android Device

Android users have a couple of options when it comes to alarm sounds:

  • Open the Clock app, select the intended alarm, and hit “Alarm sound” where you can choose from various tones.
  • Alternatively, you can go to Settings > Sound & vibration > Alarm sound to discover more sound options.


By customizing your alarm sound, you can wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Experiment with different tones to find the perfect sound that motivates you to rise and shine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I set a song from my music library as my alarm sound?

A: Simply transfer the song file to the appropriate alarm sound folder on your device, then select it from the alarm settings in your Clock app.

Q: Is it possible to have an escalating alarm volume?

A: Yes, many smartphones allow you to set an ‘Increasing Volume’ feature, gradually raising the alarm sound for a gentler wake-up experience.

Q: What should I do if my alarm sound isn’t working?

A: Check the sound settings and ensure the alarm volume isn’t muted. If the problem persists, restart your device or check for any available software updates.

Q: Can I set alarms with voice commands?

A: Yes, using virtual assistants like Siri or Google Assistant, you can set alarms using voice commands.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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