Customizing Your Windows 10/11 Mouse Cursor

Enhancing your user experience on Windows 10 or the latest Windows 11 can be as simple as customizing your mouse cursor. This visual guide will provide tips and tricks to personalize your cursor, adding a touch of your personality to your computing workspace. Let’s dive into the straightforward process of editing the mouse cursor in the updated Windows environments.

Simple Steps to Modify Mouse Cursor in Windows 10 and 11

Altering the appearance of your mouse pointer in Windows 10 and Windows 11 contributes to a more enjoyable and tailored desktop experience. Beyond just adjusting your wallpaper or screen saver, customizing your mouse pointer is a commonly overlooked tweak that can make your frequent interactions with your PC more agreeable. Here’s how you do it.

Changing Mouse Cursor Style in Windows 10

  • Access Settings by clicking the Start menu button at the screen’s bottom-left corner and selecting the gear icon.
  • From the “Mouse Properties” window, navigate to the “Pointers” tab. Here, click on “Browse” to review various cursor styles Windows 10 offers.
  • Choose your preferred style, click “Apply,” then “OK” to confirm. Your mouse pointer will update instantly to reflect your choice.

Customizing Mouse Cursor Size and Color in Windows 10

  • To modify the cursor beyond the standard black or white, access “Ease of Access Mouse Settings” from Settings.
  • Under “Mouse Pointer,” you can use the “Change pointer size” slider to adjust the cursor’s dimensions.
  • Pick a new pointer color under “Change pointer color” to add a splash of color to your cursor.

Tailoring the Mouse Pointer in Windows 11

  • Open Settings with the shortcut Windows + I.
  • Select “Accessibility” and then “Mouse pointer and touch.”
  • Adjust the size of the mouse pointer using the slider present on the “Size” option. You can enlarge or shrink the pointer to your preference.
  • To modify the mouse speed, select the “Mouse” option and adjust the slider according to your needs.


Effortlessly modify your mouse cursor with these steps on Windows 10 or Windows 11 to achieve a custom look that suits your style. Whether for accessibility or aesthetics, altering your cursor can enhance your overall computing experience.


Q: How do I access the mouse settings in Windows 10?

A: Simply click the Start menu button and select the gear icon to open Settings. Navigate to “Devices” and then to “Mouse” to access mouse settings.

Q: Are there accessibility options for the mouse cursor in Windows 11?

A: Yes, Windows 11 offers accessibility features such as changing cursor size and color, which can be found under Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch.

By incorporating current systems and features, you ensure the content is relevant to users seeking guidance on Windows 10/11, making it more likely to perform well in Google’s search rankings.

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