How to Enable and Disable Dark Theme on a Per-Site Basis in Chrome

Are you a fan of dark mode? Well, you’re in luck! Google Chrome is working on a new feature that allows users to choose whether they want to load web pages with a dark or light theme. This feature is especially useful for those who prefer dark mode but don’t want it on every webpage they visit. In this article, we’ll show you how to enable and disable the dark theme on a per-site basis in Chrome.

Enabling and Disabling Dark Theme on a Per-Site Basis

To enable this feature, you’ll need to ensure that you’re using the latest version of Chrome Canary, which is currently v96.0.4652.2 or later. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Chrome Canary on your Android device.
  2. Type chrome://flags in the URL bar and press Enter.
  3. On the Chrome Experiments page, search for the “website obscuration” checkbox in the theme settings option.
  4. Click the dropdown menu next to the flag and select “Enabled”.
  5. Relaunch the browser by tapping the “Relaunch” button.
  6. Open the Chrome settings by tapping the three dots and selecting “Settings”.
  7. In the settings, navigate to the “Theme” section, select the “Dark” option, and check the “Dark website” checkbox.
  8. Now, when you visit a website, tap the three dots and select “Enable automatic darkness for the site” to activate dark mode specifically for that site.
  9. If you want to disable the dark theme for a site, simply tap the three dots and select “Disable automatic dark for site”.

Questions People Might Have

  • Q: How do I enable the dark theme on a per-site basis in Chrome?
  • A: To enable dark mode for specific websites in Chrome, make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome Canary and follow the steps mentioned above.
  • Q: Can I disable the dark theme for a particular website?
  • A: Yes, you can! Simply follow the instructions mentioned earlier and select “Disable automatic dark for site” for the website where you want to disable dark mode.

More Interesting Info

With Chrome’s per-site dark theme feature, you have more control over your browsing experience. This feature is currently available on Chrome Canary for Android devices, but we hope it will be rolled out to other versions soon. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the world of tech!

In conclusion, enabling and disabling dark theme on a per-site basis in Chrome is a fantastic addition for users who prefer dark mode but only on select websites. Enjoy a customized browsing experience with Chrome’s flexible theme settings!

Thank you for reading this article on how to enable and disable dark theme on a per-site basis in Chrome. If you found it helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Happy browsing!

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