Mastering Notification Settings in the Wish App

Ever find yourself overwhelmed by a flood of notifications from your shopping apps? In this guide, we’ll navigate the process of customizing notification preferences in the Wish app. Stay tuned to learn how to tailor your notification experience to fit your lifestyle, ensuring you don’t miss out on important updates or deals, while avoiding unnecessary distractions.

Understanding Notification Management in Wish

Notifications can be a double-edged sword; they keep you in the loop but can also become intrusive. Particularly with shopping apps like Wish, fine-tuning your notification settings is key to achieving a balance. Let’s delve into how you can enable or disable notifications to your liking, maintaining control over what alerts you receive and when you receive them.

How to Modify Notification Settings Across Devices

Depending on whether you’re using a web browser, an iPhone, or an Android device, the process for adjusting your Wish app notifications varies slightly. Below, we’ll guide you through each method, ensuring you know exactly how to manage your notifications effectively on any platform.

Customizing Notifications Via Web Browser

  • Access from your computer.
  • Sign in to your account on Wish.
  • Hover your cursor over your profile name at the top right and select ‘Settings’.
  • Navigate to the ‘Notifications’ tab.
  • Check or uncheck the boxes under ‘APPLICATION’ to toggle notifications on or off.
  • Confirm your choices by ensuring boxes are unchecked for notifications you wish to disable.

Managing Notifications on an iPhone

  • Launch the Wish app and tap the profile icon in the bottom right.
  • Proceed to ‘Settings’ by scrolling down.
  • Select ‘Notifications’.
  • Adjust your preferences by tapping the checkboxes accordingly.
  • Disable specific notifications by ensuring their boxes are unchecked.

Controlling Notifications on an Android Device

  • Tap the app menu icon located in the upper left corner of the Wish app screen.
  • Scroll to locate ‘Settings’ and tap on it.
  • Go to ‘Notifications’.
  • Select or deselect items by touching the checkboxes.
  • For notifications you don’t want, make sure their corresponding checkbox remains unchecked.


Wrapping up, managing notifications is all about personalization. With this tutorial, you now have the tools to enable or disable Wish app notifications at your fingertips. Customize your app experience to enjoy shopping without the noise of unwanted alerts.


Q: How can I stop receiving promotional notifications from Wish?

A: Simply uncheck the boxes for promotional notifications in your settings, and you’ll stop receiving them.

Q: Will adjusting my notification settings affect my Wish deals or offers?

A: No, your deals and offers within the app remain unchanged; you’re just selecting which notifications to be alerted about.

Streamlined and tailored to your preferences, this guide serves as your roadmap to a clutter-free notification tray, all while staying updated with the latest offers from Wish. Share this information with those you know who might benefit from a similar tweak to their app settings.

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Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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