Unleash the Power of DuckDuckGo Search in Your Linux Terminal

Discover the secrets to utilizing DuckDuckGo directly from the command line. This updated tutorial is here to guide you through using this privacy-centric search engine in your favorite Linux terminal. Master the techniques outlined below and enjoy a blend of convenience and privacy in your searches.

Step-by-Step Guide to Searching with DuckDuckGo in the Terminal

Meet ddgr – your command-line companion that harnesses the privacy-focused DuckDuckGo search engine without leaving your terminal. This nifty utility, much like the Googler tool for Google, offers a seamless interface for terminal enthusiasts. Let’s ensure your system is ready before diving into ddgr, by verifying the installation of Python 3.4 (or a later version) and the necessary Python requests library for handling HTTPS queries.

DuckDuckGo champions privacy, standing out as a search engine alternative to Google. Ready to embrace terminal-based searches? Learn about ddgr, the tool that powers your privacy-geared DuckDuckGo queries straight from the command line.

Installing ddgr and Dependencies

To get started with ddgr, ensure the following tools are installed:

  • Python 3.3+ and Python request library
  • Git

For Debian-based distros like Ubuntu, initiate ddgr with:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git

On Red Hat-based systems such as CentOS, run:

yum install epel-release
yum install python34 python34-pip
yum install git

Now, grab the latest ddgr repository:

git clone https://github.com/jarun/ddgr.git

Install it with ease:

cd ddgr
sudo make install

Double-check the installation:

ddgr --help

Mastering Search with ddgr

With ddgr installed, it’s time to explore. Start searching with this simple command:

ddgr 'search phrase'

To browse the results, type the desired link’s number. Exit by pressing CTRL + C. Here are some handy flags:

  • -n: Customize results per page (default is 10).
  • -j: Jump straight to the first search result in a browser.
  • -x: View the full URL for each search result.

For example, specifying the results per page can be done as:

ddgr -n 2 'keyword'

To open the first result in your web browser, try:

ddgr -j 'keyword'

For full URL visibility:

ddgr -x 'keyword'

Concluding Thoughts on DuckDuckGo and the Linux Terminal

We’ve explored the practicality of DuckDuckGo within the Linux terminal and how it can augment your privacy and efficiency. Whether you’re an occasional searcher or a terminal power user, ddgr provides a powerful tool that aligns with modern privacy standards.


Q: How does DuckDuckGo differ from search engines like Google?

A: DuckDuckGo is built with a strong focus on user privacy and doesn’t track your searches, unlike other popular search engines.

Q: Can I use ddgr on any Linux distribution?

A: Yes, ddgr is versatile and can be installed on any Linux distro as long as the dependencies are satisfied.

Implementing these steps ensures your content remains engaging, informative, and updated, positioning your articles favorably in search engine results while providing users with the exact information they seek. Enjoy your private searching experience with DuckDuckGo on the Linux terminal!

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