Connecting on Line: A Guide to Finding Your Friend’s User ID

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to locate your friend’s User ID on Line! Line reigns as a titan in the world of instant messaging, especially throughout East and Southeast Asia. Launched from South Korea, it enjoys immense popularity in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkmenistan. Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

Line uniquely fuses the elements of a social media platform and a messaging app into one seamless experience. Joining a mishmash of groups—from private circles to public communities—becomes a breeze with Line. And starting off with a Line account is straightforward. The app’s contact book synchronization allows for effortlessly spotting and connecting with friends.

What’s more, adding friends can be actioned with a simple QR code scan, entering a Line ID, or by the fun ‘Shake it’ feature, where you literally shake your mobile devices together. Sharing life’s moments with loved ones gets personal with Line’s Timeline feature. And if ever you need to safeguard your cherished exchanges, Line’s chat backup options are at your disposal.

Discovering Your Friend’s ID on Line: The Essentials

There are multiple pathways to forge connections within the LINE universe. Here’s how you can find and add friends to your network.

Using LINE ID to Add Friends

Drift over to “More” or “Friends” within the LINE app to initiate the process. Tap “Add Friends,” select “ID/Phone number,” input your friend’s Line ID, and let the search do the rest. Voilà, you can add them with a simple tap.

  • Tap on the “Friends” or “More” tab.
  • Hit “Add Friends.”
  • Select “ID/Phone Number” for searching.
  • Type in your friend’s ID and tap the search icon.

Embrace QR Codes to Connect on LINE

Tap into QR codes for a tech-savvy friend invite. Navigate to your own QR code in the “Add Friends” menu for your friend to scan and join your contact list seamlessly.

  • Head to the “Friends” or “More” tab in LINE.
  • Select “Add by QR code.”
  • Show ‘My QR code’ for your pal to scan.
  • Hit “Add” after verification.

Shake Things Up with ‘Shake it’

Line’s ‘Shake it’ feature turns friend-adding into a mini workout. Just select “Shake it,” perform a little shake dance with your phone, and connect instantly with those near you.

  • Access “More” or tap the “Shake it!” option.
  • Shake your device or touch the screen.
  • Select your new friend’s device from the list.
  • Tap “Add” to connect.

Automatically Sync LINE Friends with Phone Contacts

For an efficient experience, enable automatic friend addition using your phone’s address book the moment you sign up for Line.

  • Launch LINE and access “More” or the settings menu.
  • Hit “Settings,” then swing by “Friends.”
  • Activate “Auto-Add Friends.”

Parting Thoughts

We trust you found our guide on navigating friend ID searches on Line insightful and easy to follow. Line simplifies staying in touch, catering to whatever method suits your style. If this article resonates with you, please feel free to share the knowledge.


Q: How do I update Line to the latest version on my device?

A: For the latest Line features, navigate to your device’s app store, search for ‘Line,’ and select ‘Update’ if available.

Q: Can I recover chats if I forgot to backup my Line conversations?

A: Without a prior backup, retrieving past Line messages is unlikely. Regular backups are recommended to prevent data loss.

Editorial Staff
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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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