Resolving Bluetooth Visibility in Windows Action Center

If you’re struggling with Bluetooth not appearing in the Windows Action Center, don’t worry. Follow this step-by-step guide to regain easy access to your Bluetooth settings.

Understanding Action Center and Bluetooth Accessibility

The Action Center on Windows serves as a hub for notifications and quick setting adjustments. Sometimes, Bluetooth might seemingly vanish from this area, making it cumbersome to manage your connections. Let’s explore common solutions.

Ensuring Bluetooth Is Available in Quick Actions

Your Action Center may hide Bluetooth due to space constraints or unintentional configuration changes. Expand the menu to unearth all tucked-away shortcuts.

  • Open Action Center (shortcut: Windows Key + A).
  • Select “Expand” to reveal all shortcuts.
  • If Bluetooth is missing, click “Edit your quick actions,” and re-add the Bluetooth toggle.

Verifying Bluetooth Capability

Some devices may lack proper drivers or Bluetooth support altogether. Confirm these details:

  • Access Settings (Windows key + I), then navigate to “Devices.”
  • If “Bluetooth & other devices” appears, your device accommodates Bluetooth.
  • No menu? Check Device Manager for Bluetooth entries or missing drivers.

Adjusting Bluetooth Configuration

Sometimes minor tweaks are all that’s required:

  • Head to “Bluetooth & other devices” in Settings.
  • Under “Related Settings,” click “More Bluetooth Options.”
  • Check “Show the Bluetooth icon in the notification area.”

Disabling Fast Startup

While Fast Startup is beneficial, it can disrupt start-up processes, possibly affecting Bluetooth:

  • Go to “System” in Settings and choose “Power & sleep.”
  • Select “Additional power settings” and navigate to “Choose what the power buttons do.”
  • Turn off “Fast Startup” and apply changes.

Activating Bluetooth Troubleshooters

Troubleshooters can often remediate Bluetooth concerns automatically:

  • In Settings, go to “Update & Security,” then “Troubleshoot.”
  • Use the “Bluetooth” troubleshooter to diagnose and fix issues.

Examining the Bluetooth Support Service

Ensure that the Bluetooth Support Service is running correctly:

  • Search for “services” in the Start menu.
  • In the Bluetooth Support Service properties, restart the service or set it to start automatically.

Initiating Startup Repair

For persistent issues, the Startup Repair tool might correct underlying system problems:

  • Use Windows Recovery Environment to initiate Startup Repair.
  • Restart your device and check if Bluetooth reappears post-repair.

Scanning for Hardware Changes

Device Manager can also spot and fix hardware inconsistencies:

  • Use the Start menu search to open Device Manager.
  • Right-click on your PC’s name and select “Scan for hardware changes.”

Conclusion: Reestablishing Bluetooth in Windows Action Center

Concluding, while it may seem daunting, fixing the absence of Bluetooth in the Action Center is manageable with the aforementioned steps. By following a systematic approach, you can troubleshoot and remedy the situation effectively.


Q: Why isn’t Bluetooth showing up in my Action Center?

A: It could be due to a collapsed Quick Actions menu, disabled service, or missing drivers. Expand the menu or look into Bluetooth service settings.

Q: Can I enable Bluetooth if its icon is missing from my system tray?

A: Yes, review the “Bluetooth & other devices” settings and ensure the Bluetooth icon is set to appear in the notification area.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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