How To Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error Code 38

Hello everyone, today in this article we will show you how to fix Call of Duty (CoD) Warzone error code 38. The Warzone Pacific update has brought countless new features and content, reinvigorating one of the world’s most popular battle royale titles. Although the new features are numerous, some things never change, and we’re not just talking about the old weapons. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game launched in 2019. Infinity Ward and the Activision team have done a great job with this game, which has become one of the most popular COD games in the franchise. However, most video games have some bugs or problems that most players face. Here we have shared the steps to fix Call of Duty: Modern Warfare error code 38. If you are also among the victims, check out this troubleshooting guide.

According to a couple of PS4 and Xbox One console players, error code 38 is displayed while trying to start the game or join the game. COD Modern Warfare has many common problems related to network or server issues. However, according to the error reports, it appears that the problem is related to hardware problems on the player’s console. If you are also experiencing the same problem, please consult this article.

How To Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error Code 38

Check for Updates

Check for Updates on PC

Step 1: Open and go to Warzone

Step 2: Click the gear next to the “Play”-Button

Step 3: Click “Check for Update”

Step 4: If this doesn’t work, click “Scan and repair”

Check for Updates on Console

Step 1: Close Warzone

Step 2: Go to your Game Library

Step 3: Search for Warzone and click “Options”

Step 4: Click “Check for Update” on PlayStation or “Manage Game” -> “Downloads” on Xbox

Check your Internet

Step 1: Unplug your Wi-fi router

Step 2: Wait a couple of seconds

Step 3: Plug your router back in

Step 4: Wait for 5-10 minutes

Step 5: Restart Warzone and see if the download can be completed successfully

Reinstall Warzone

If the above suggestions have not helped you resolve error code 38, your last resort is to completely reinstall Warzone. Sure, it sucks, given the size the game has now reached, but you would be surprised how many bugs can be fixed by simply reinstalling the game.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed our article on How to fix Call of Duty (CoD) Warzone error code 38. However, if it occurs long after the update, it may be due to a client-side console problem. Call of Duty Warzone players, rejoice! The long-awaited battle royale game has finally been released and many are already playing it. If you liked our article, please share it with others.

I hope you understand this article, How To Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error Code 38.

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