How to Resolve the Chrome Password Syncing Problem

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting Google Chrome’s password syncing issues. Known for its speed and efficiency, Google Chrome is a widely favored web browser that commands a significant share of the browser market. Its cross-platform compatibility means it works seamlessly across various devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

Chrome’s appeal is further enhanced by the variety of available VPN extensions and user-friendly features such as Chrome Sync. Chrome Sync harmonizes your personal settings across devices by storing them in your Google account. However, this convenient feature can occasionally encounter hitches, such as the frustrating issue of passwords failing to sync properly. Let’s delve into how to resolve these sync errors and keep your browsing experience fluent and hassle-free.

Troubleshooting Chrome Password Sync Issues

Ensure Chrome is Up-to-Date

One of the first steps to tackle any Chrome issue is checking for updates. Regular updates help resolve bugs and enhance browser security. To update Chrome, click the three dots in the upper right corner, navigate to ‘Help’, then ‘About Google Chrome’. Chrome will automatically search for and apply any available updates.

Verify Google Password Manager

The Google Password Manager is an online vault for your digital keys. If Chrome is experiencing syncing problems, it’s wise to check this manager for any discrepancies or alerts. Ensure that all passwords stored are current and correctly recorded.

Review Password Sync Settings

Occasionally, a simple oversight in sync settings could be the root of your problem. To verify, click the three dots, go to ‘Settings’, then ‘You and Google’. From there, navigate to ‘Sync and Google Services’, and select ‘Manage what you sync’. You can opt to ‘Sync everything’ or just toggle the password switch on if you prefer selective syncing.

Clear Login Data Cache

A clogged data cache can disrupt Chrome’s synchronization process. Manually clearing the cache can prompt Chrome to resume normal syncing. Exit Chrome, open the file explorer with the Windows + R keys, enter: %UserProfile%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data. In the Default folder, delete the ‘Login Data’ and ‘Login Data Journal’ files. Restart Chrome to freshen up the sync function.

Reset Chrome to Default Settings

If the problem persists, resetting Chrome to its default settings may be necessary. This step should be a last resort as it will erase your custom settings and saved passwords. In Chrome settings, select ‘Advanced’, then ‘Reset and Clean’, and click ‘Restore settings to their original defaults’. After the reset, sign back in to Chrome and sync your data from Google’s servers.


Ensuring that Chrome syncs your passwords correctly is key to a smooth browsing experience, especially when switching devices. By following the steps provided, you should be able to remedy syncing issues and enjoy Chrome’s full capabilities across your devices. Remember, keeping Chrome updated and routinely checking sync settings can prevent many sync-related problems.


Q: What should I do if my Chrome passwords still do not sync after following these steps?

A: If the issue persists, try removing your Google account from Chrome and adding it back again. If problems continue, consider seeking support directly from Google or tech forums.

Q: Is it safe to reset Google Chrome, and will I lose my data?

A: Resetting Chrome is generally safe, but you will lose your custom settings and any passwords not synced with your Google account. Ensure you have backup records or know your passwords before proceeding with the reset.

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