How to Fix File System Error for Photos App in Windows 10

If you’re a Windows 10 user and you’re experiencing the frustrating “File system error (-2147219196)” when trying to use the Photos App, this article is for you. This error can occur after installing a cumulative update or for various other reasons, and it can prevent you from opening images or using other Windows applications.

In this article, we’ll explore five different ways to fix this error and get your Photos App and other applications up and running.

How to Fix File System Error in Photos App

1. Use a System Debugging Tool

One of the most reliable ways to fix errors in your system is by using a system debugging tool. We recommend using Restoro, which not only debugs your system, but also optimizes it for better overall performance. With Restoro, you’ll be able to fix any issues that may be affecting your Photos App, as well as other applications on your computer. Restoro is easy to use and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

2. Download an Alternative Photo Viewer

If you’re tired of using the Microsoft Photos App, consider downloading an alternative photo viewer like Adobe Lightroom. Not only will you have a new photo viewer, but you’ll also have access to an image editor that’s almost as good as Adobe Photoshop. Install Lightroom and make it your default photo viewer by going to Settings > Applications > Default apps and selecting Lightroom.

3. Repair the Photos App

To repair the Photos App, go to Settings > Applications and find the Microsoft Photos App in the list. Select it and click on Advanced Options. Scroll down and select Repair. The Photos App repair process will start and when it’s done, you’ll see a check mark next to the Repair button. This should resolve the Photos App file system error.

4. Reset the Photos App

If repairing the Photos App doesn’t work, try resetting it. Follow steps 1-3 of the previous solution, and instead of selecting Repair, select Reset. Once completed, try opening the Photos App again. This should resolve the file system error for good.

5. Use Registry Editor with Administrator Privileges

If none of the above solutions work for you, you can try using Registry Editor with Administrator privileges. Open Registry Editor by searching for “regedit” in Cortana’s search box and right-clicking on it and selecting “Run as administrator.” Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppModelRepositoryFamiliesMicrosoft.Windows.Photos. Check the date of each of the entries and delete outdated entries. Restart your PC and try opening the Photos App again.


What is file system error (-2147219196)?

This error is a file system error that can occur in Windows 10 when trying to use certain applications, especially the Photos App. It can prevent you from opening images or using other applications on your computer.

Why does the file system error occur?

This error can occur for various reasons, such as corrupted files or after installing a cumulative update.

Can I fix the error without using Restoro?

Yes, there are other solutions you can try, such as downloading an alternative photo viewer, repairing or resetting the Photos App, or using Registry Editor with Administrator privileges.

Will resetting the Photos App delete my photos?

No, resetting the Photos App will not delete your photos.

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