Revamped Guide: Resolving the ‘Live Text Not Working’ Problem on the Latest iPhone

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on solving the frustrating ‘Live Text Not Working’ issue on your iPhone. Whether you’re grappling with a recent update or encountering this problem for the first time—fret not! We’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of getting the Live Text feature back on track.

An Introduction to Live Text Troubleshooting

Introduced with iOS 15, Live Text is Apple’s innovative OCR (Optical Character Recognition) utility, enabling users to interact with text in images across various applications like Photos, Safari, and the Camera app. It harnesses the power of the A12 Bionic chip or later, seamlessly integrating text capture into your device usage. Whether you’re a power user or new to iOS, making Live Text work effortlessly is vital for a smooth, productive iPhone experience.

Let’s delve into the core steps and ensure your Live Text feature is performing as expected, covering several tried-and-tested strategies to breathe life back into this quintessential iPhone capability.

Ensuring iPhone Compatibility with Live Text

To use Live Text, your iPhone must meet the minimum hardware requirements. Live Text is available on devices with the A12 Bionic chip or newer, which includes:

  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 13 Mini
  • iPhone 13

Is Your Image Text Clear and Easily Identifiable?

A common hiccup with Live Text is image clarity. If your image includes non-distinct text, try using a clearer image or reposition the text to be more visible for better recognition.

Using Apps That Support Live Text

Live Text isn’t universally supported across all apps. If you’re experiencing issues within a specific application, switch to one that’s known for its compatibility, like the Camera or Photos apps.

If you’re attempting to use Live Text in a financial or banking app, it might be disabled for security reasons. In such cases, trying alternative apps can confirm whether Live Text is functional.

Activating Live Text for Camera and Photos

Ensuring Live Text is enabled in your Camera and Photos settings is a crucial step. Here’s how to verify and activate this feature:

  • For Camera: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Camera’, and toggle on ‘Live Text’ if it’s off.

Adjusting Device Language for Live Text Compatibility

Live Text is currently available for a select group of languages. If your device’s language isn’t on the supported list, changing it to one that is supported might just do the trick.

Temporary glitches are common culprits. If simple toggles don’t work, consider force closing the affected app or restarting your iPhone. Remember, restarting can often magically clear unexpected software quirks.

The Last Resort: Resetting iPhone Settings

If all else fails, returning to default settings by choosing the ‘Reset All Settings’ option can be your savior, but be warned, this step is not to be taken lightly as it will reset all customized settings.


Empowered with these insights, the ‘Live Text Not Working’ issue should become a thing of the past, ensuring a seamless integration of text recognition into your daily iPhone use. Optimize your device’s features and get back to leveraging Live Text to its full potential.


Q: What should I do if Live Text does not respond after trying the listed solutions?

A: If the feature still doesn’t work, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Q: How can I make sure I don’t lose personal settings when resetting my iPhone?

A: Before opting for a settings reset, back up your iPhone using iCloud or iTunes to safeguard your personal preferences and data.

Remember to approach each problem with patience, and should new issues arise with future updates, revisit this guide as your starting point for troubleshooting.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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